Chapter 14

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Naomi mason

I felt the cold beach air hit against my skin. I loved coming to the beach especially bc it was a private beach and no one barely came here. I come here to think, no one knows I come here. I start walking on the sand till I fall on my knees, I put my hands to my face and start sobbing. What is wrong with me? Why do I deserve any of this? Why does bad thing keep happening to me. I did nothing to deserve this. It sucks, everything right now sucks. I turn around and sit so I am facing the ocean tears still rolling down my face. Breathing in the salty air. This view is breathe taking. Always loved it here. I pulled out the bag of weed randy gave me. I roll it into a blunt and lighted it. I took a puff and felt relieved a little. I know weed won't help the pain but i feel like it will. Memories of me and my mom keep going threw my head. Her cheering me on at my soccer games, her giving me pointers and advice, going to the soccer fields playing soccer together, going and getting frozen yogurt at our favorite place and smoothies from our favorite smoothie place. We were both vegetarians so we always ate healthy. Fridays we will always eat salad together. I still do. Every Friday. Me & my dad when I was five would go and ride bikes. It was like our only bonding time we had. The only great memory I had of him. My phone kept vibrating.

Randy (5 missed calls) (10 texts)

Jake (7 missed calls) (20 texts)

I thought randy would have more than jake. I need to go some where other here.

I know where I need to go now.


Randy garret

"Where the hell could she run off too!" Jake said

"How the hell should I know!" I said back at him

We were standing outside of the hospital worried of what might had happen to Naomi.

"Dude we need to find her." I said panicking

"Don't you think I already know that!!" He was pissed

"Okay okay calm down I beg she is okay."

"I bet she is not!"

"Just think of the places she might of go too." I suggested

"The soccer fields?" He said

"I don't think so, she won't go to a place were we could easily find her."

"True true."

"What about places she went with her mom or with Amber? Like what place is the most valuable place to her."

His eyes widen.

"What?" I said

"I know where she went."

"Where? Where do you think she went!"

"Can't say but I have to go before she leaves." He started walking off

"I'm coming with you." I tried to catch up with him

He stopped and turned around "no I thinks it's better if I just went alone. I think it's just needs to be me. you should stay away from her for awhile. Let me deal with this." He left me standing there in shock. I don't think I can leave Naomi alone. I never felt so worried for someone in my life.

I think I'm starting to fall for Naomi mason.

I know it's crazy but I just can't get this feeling out of my chest.

I felt my phone vibrate. It was Ashton.

'Doing another prank on the soccer team you in?'

I know I shouldn't do this but I need to get all of this out if my mind.

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