Chapter 27

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Randy garret

I'm freezing to death.

My hands are going to fall off.

Maybe even my feet .

I'm sitting in the bleachers at Naomi's practice waiting for them to get done so we can get this thing over with. I was obviously not prepared. I don't want my teammates to think differently of me but then again I'm doing this for Naomi.

But I'm still freezing.

I checked my phone


It was time. The girls soccer team were now in a huddle and there coach was talking to them. I could see Naomi looking at me. She nodded her head towards the gate signaling me to go wait for everyone else. No offense to Naomi but this is honestly so stupid. Talking seriously? That's how we're going to settle this. I mean I love her an all but come on. I started making my way to the parking lot and everyone was there. Well the football players and the cheerleaders were. The boys soccer haven't showed up. This is going to be interesting.

Ashton walks up to me "okay we're here mind telling us why?"

Just before I can speak I heard cars entering the parking. I swing my head around to see that the boys soccer team has arrived. I turned back to Ashton. He looked pissed.

"What the hell are they doing here!" Ashton yelled they all looked mad as hell

Matt came out of his jeep clearly pissed of as well.

"What the hell are you guys doing here." Matt growled at us

I opened my mouth to say something but Ashton cut me off

"I don't know but you better leave or something bad is going to happen." He gave Matt a death glare

No one can let me talk

"Okay will everyone shut the fuck up and listen to me," I yelled at everyone

They all got silent

"Everything will be explained everyone just follow me god damnit and I mean everyone!" I tried to say calmly

They all nodded and I started to walk to the fields with everyone behind me.

Once we approach the field I yelled Naomi's name to let her know that we are here. The whole girls soccer team turned around and were shocked. Everyone started complaining. I walked up to Naomi and gave her a short smile.

"Naomi what the hell is this? An intervention?" Ashley said

"No now shut up." Naomi told her. She whistle "EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN TO ME!"

They all turned their attention towards her

"We'll then girls and boys soccer on this side with me and the football players and cheerleaders on that side with randy." She ordered them

They did it with no hesitation bumping into one another cursing under there breaths.

"Okay well there is a reason why your here tonight." Naomi began to speak

"Yeah no shit Sherlock." Ashton said

"Just listen Ashton for once?" I told him

"Not to her never. She doesn't deserve it. None of them do. Why are we wasting our time for this stupid ass shit."

"Can you shut your fucking mouth man? God have some respect."

"Not to that bitch." He snarled

I grabbed him by the shoulders almost strangling him. He looked frighten.

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