Chapter 22

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Naomi mason

Today is a special day. Well for most people that is.

Not for me though.

Today is homecoming and I'm not going so I honestly don't care. I am going to the football game today with Amber to support randy. Randy is going to homecoming and he is kinda upset I'm not going. He understands why but still upset. It's not really a big deal though. It's just homecoming to me. I have next year which will be my last year to go. I went my freshmen and sophomore year. Freshmen year I went with Amber because we didn't get ask. Sophomore year Amber went with Craig and I third wheeled. So it sucked but it was still fun. It's just not something I get overly excited about like most people. Amber gets overly excited. I went dress shopping with her and it took her like 20 years to find a dress and then the whole car ride home she wouldn't stop talking about homecoming. Let me rephrase that this whole month she's been talking about homecoming. It's annoying. She going with some random guy just to piss of Craig. She eventually got over her feelings for randy after I told her we were official. She mad at me for not going to homecoming but why would I want to third wheel again? Especially seeing randy dancing with other girls not noticing my existence. Like we're not evening dating. I rather stay home and eat tubs of ice cream and watch re runs of teen wolf . My favorite show in the whole entire world.

Randy ask me if I wanted him not to go and hang out with him and I said no and to just have fun. I don't want me ruining his homecoming. I don't want to be that type of girlfriend.

I got a text from Amber saying that she was right outside my house. I grabbed my wristlet and my phone and keys and headed out the door.

Allie was out doing wedding things.

I locked the door and walk to ambers car. Once I got in the car she started talking to me.

"Im still mad at you for not going to homecoming." She said looking straight ahead

"Amber look I don't care if you don't like the idea of me going to homecoming I just don't want to go this year." I sighed

"Because of your boyfriend who which your about to see play right now." She replied

"That is correct both statements." I told her

"He shouldn't be going if you weren't going."

Didn't I already explain this to her? "I told him to go."

"Your stupid."

"Your stupid" I mocked

She quickly glared at me and then turn her head back to the road. I smiled cheerfully.

We finally reach the school and she parked her car near the football field. She got out and instantly ran to some friends. I rolled my eyes and headed to the bleachers. They were super packed. They already started doing skits but I don't really care about that much. I sat down on an empty seat. Everyone was dressed up semi nice and I was here in yogas and and t shirt and my favorite soccer tournament hoodie. I wanted everyone to know I was a soccer player. I looked out on the field to see if the boys had came up on the field yet. No nothing yet. I sighed wanting to see randy that's all I am her for.

"Hey best friend." Matt smiled as he sat down next to me.

"Hey Matt." I smiled back him

"What are you doing here all alone."

"Amber left me."

"That sucks. She isn't a very good best friend." He said

"I guess that makes you better." I said

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