Chapter 16

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"Beeeeeeeep! Captains!" I heard the officials announce. I'm shaking I'm literally shaking. Why am I so nervous? I have been starting for two years already! Maybe because this was my first time being captain and a junior. I say that because Ashley is a senior.

They went over the rules & we flipped a coin to see who had possession first. I called out tails and got a steaming glare from Ashley. At the end of it we shook hands with the officials & the other teams captains.

"Just because your captain doesn't mean you have power over me." She said to me as we jogged over to our team. I didn't say anything her I just glared at her.

"They have possession first and we have that side of the field." Ashley spoke before me.

"Alright ladies I already told you who is starting. Remember this team is very fast & have great ball handling. So defense you are going to have to step it up and the offense you are going to have to help out. Just because there fats doesn't mean they can out run us. We have Naomi for crying out loud."

We all laughed and I cracked a smile.

"So go out there play as a team, work together and let's start this season out with a bang."

We all cheered.

"Warriors on three, warriors on three One, Two,Three WARRIORS!"

We took our position. I am left midfielder. Paige was the right midfielder and Sonya a sophomore was the center midfielder. Ashley was back at sweeper. The rest of the girls I barely knew or didn't talk to. I quickly look at the bleachers. It wasn't to long till I spotted my brother with a big supporting smile on his face. Then I saw randy but of course he was with his football team. They hate us but yet they still come to our games and we still go to theirs. It makes no sense. Randy did have a smile on his face though and he was looking my way. I smiled back quickly before zoning back. Now I was completely focus. Nothing is stopping me from achieving my goals.


Randy Garret

"Dude what are you smiling at?" My best friend Ashton said

I snapped of the trance I was in and look at him.

"Nothing man just zoned out that's all" that was a total lie. I was staring at Naomi. I couldn't stop staring at her. Neither could I stop smiling. She was just so perfect in every way it's hard not look at her.

"Damnit there you go again. What's wrong man?"

I shook my head "nothing's wrong."

"Please don't tell me you were checking out that Naomi girl? Because you were defiantly staring her way."

My eyes widen and I shook my head again "defiantly not."

"Okay good you defiantly can't hit that. No matter how hot she is."

"You think she's hot?" Got a little mad there

Woah you must really like her.

"Yeah but she is a soccer player so we stay away from those."

"I don't think it will be so bad to date a soccer player."

He looked at me like I was crazy " you said what? Look we can't date them because there our enemy's. Don't you understand they will find away to lower us into a trap and bam we are at a vulnerable state and we get destroy and they rule over. That can't happen. We are on top now."

"Yeah I guess your right it was stupid of me to ask."

"That a boy. To be honest I don't even know why were here." He laugh

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