Chapter 19

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Naomi mason

"Promise me you'll be careful?" Hugging closely to my older brother. It was time for him to leave and I didn't want him to go and I defiantly didn't want to be with my aunt Allie.

"For the thousand time nay I'm going to be fine. I'll come back in one piece." He insisted

"You better." I hugged him some more

"Are you ever going to let me go?" He laughed

I squeezed him tighter "no."

"Come on it's only for a month." He joked

I looked up at him "a month is too long."

He chuckled and I continued to hug him. Then he suddenly pushes me off. I growl at him

"I'm going to be late for my plane nay."

I pouted

"Come on stop acting childish now."

"Okay I Guess I'll see you soon." I smiled slightly still upset he is leaving

"You will I promise and I'll keep in touch and behave when Allie gets here okay? All she is doing is trying."

"No promises."

"Remember the rules." He reminded me

"Yes dad."

Jake frowned


"Now your trying to get rid of me?" He smiled

I giggled "bye and have fun."

He gave me a slight wave and headed out the door. Once the door shut I frowned. I can't believe this months just flew by already and now my brother is already out the door. It was like yesterday he was telling me about this and now he actually left. A month without my brother and a month with aunt Allie. This should be interesting. It's not like I totally hate her. There's times were she could have some good advice, but other times she is crazy. I think she is crazy enough to kidnap me. Was I worth kidnapping? Now my brother is gone and he is the only thing that keeps me sane. Now I might as well go insane. I'm staring at the the door seeing if a miracle can happen. Hoping that my brother will walk through the door and say never mind I don't want to go, I feel bad for leaving you. I know it sounds selfish but my brother is all I have left. A piece of my my family. Everyone else is dead. Without him what do I have? I snapped out of my trance when I heard the door ring. I knew who that was. I walked up to the door and I opened it slowly. There was my psychopathic aunt Allie.

She smiled and nodded her head "hello sweetie how are you?"

I gave her a small smile "good I guess."

"Well that's not a straight answer is it? She smiled again

"I guess not." I frowned

"Stop with the I guess and give me a hug." She open her arms out and moved closer. I took her embrace but quickly pulled away.

Unlike my mom my aunt Allie has brown hair and blue eyes. My mom had like dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Allie was tall and not going to lie she is really pretty but doesn't make her not crazy. She was wearing dress pants and a purple blouse. She is really successful and crazy rich.

She walked in and I closed the door behind her.

"Thank place is still the same ." Allie said looking around

"Yeah we didn't want to change it." I said

"And whose we?" Aunt Allie said

"Me and jake." I stated

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