Chapter 10

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Naomi mason

Literally for the past hour I have been crying and thinking that just leads to more crying. It feels like I have lost everything. When you can't play a sport you desperately love it hurts a lot. It's like someone ripped your heart out. All you feel now is emptiness. I feel emptiness. My brother probably told my dad what happen & he is probably happier then ever. What a dick. If he even mention one word about it or says something I don't want to here. I might just kill him. Not literally. Amber tried to call me but I keep ignoring her. I just don't feel like talking to anybody right now. This is bothering me to much. The thing I also can't get out of my mind is randy. No matter how much I want him out of my mind, I can't get him out. I was a little rude to him and basically blaming him for everything but I just can't help it. He is one of them! How could I be so stupid to like and be friends with one of them! I'm just a fucking idiot.

I'm starting to realize it a whole lot more. That outburst I had today was much needed. I'm a whole new person now and I'm not afraid of anything anymore. I realized you have to overcome your fears at some point and I did. No more ms. Shy girl. It's time to bring out the new me and no one is going to get in my way.

Okay but I'm just going to cry a little more. I can't help it. It's to devastating.

"Naomi?" I heard my brother say

"What do you want? Can't you seen you see I want to be alone now." I muttered

"Yeah I can see that." He pulled a small chuckle " I just want to see if you were okay and that Randy is here if you wanted to know."

"Yeah I'm okay and no I don't want to know and frankly I don't care." I said with an attitude

"Well he keeps asking about you and seeing if you are okay."

"Is that why you ask me if I was okay?"

"No I wanted to know as well. It seems like he cares nay. Give him a chance. I will bring dinner up to you then."

"Kay thanks." I sank deeper into my pillow

I heard his footsteps as they got quieter and quieter and I knew he was gone.

I just wanted to be alone and I knew randy garret wasn't going to follow that.


Randy garret

"Is she okay?" I said in a desperate voice as her brother walked down the steps

"Yeah she fine and clearly doesn't want to see you now." He said

"Damn I am really sorry about what happen you have to believe me and I wasn't any part if it. I was with Naomi the whole night it happened and she just still doesn't believe me. She thinks after I was done being with her I went to help them. By the time I left this house they were done the prank." I sighed

"It's okay randy I believe you. You just have to give Naomi some time."

"Yeah I guess, I just want her to be okay."

"Yeah I know that."

Naomi's dad walked in the door and had a big smile in his face when he saw me.

"Hello randy nice to see you again." He stuck his hand out

I shook it "thanks for inviting me over."

"No problem I told you, you are welcome any time. Even if it's with my daughter."

"You haven't use that term in a while." Jake snickered

He gave him a glare

"Yeah I don't think we will be talking to each other anytime soon. She kinda pissed at me at what happen I'm sure you heard what happen. "

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