Chapter 24

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Kaylee's POV
We were all in my dining room currently, waiting patiently for Emily and Zach to cut the cake that would be food died either Pink or Blue for the gender of the baby.
Each side of their family filled in with all of us misfit of friends. Plus Amanda's family, my family, and Em's family since we were all close families.
"Ready?" Emily asked all of us from the head of the table. Sitting beside Zach.
"Yes!" We all screamed for the second time today, growing impatient.
Hayes was hugging me from behind, waiting for the gender too.
They finally cut the cake and it's a,
"Congratulations!" We all screamed while they both smiled. Everyone now knew that they were engaged from the big enough rock planted on her left hand already.
"Thanks!" They both said in sync.
"I like the cake!" Amanda sang.
"I want the cake!" Em sang with her.
"I need the cake!" I joined in.
"Wow, we just made that up!" Amanda yelled.
"You guys deserve a Grammy." Jason commented.
"Hey, I already said my speech." I said back.
He shut up while everyone else laughed since I have already gotten one.
"That's what I thought." I fired back.
"What are you gonna name it?" Lucy, Emily's little sister by 2 years, asked.
"I was thinking Amber Marie." Emily said making everyone nod at the cute name.
"I like it." Brighton said.
"Now who wants to go out to the pond!" I yelled, while every one of the immature young adults cheered and ran after us.
Zach's little sister is Kate by 3 years.
Em's little brother and sister are Allison and Thomas by 4 years.
Amanda's older brother is David, Joey's age.
All joined us outside.
"Hayesie!" A cute little voice called from behind us.
We both turned around to find Mikayla.
"Hey there cutie." Hayes said picking her up and hoisting her on his lap.
"Wanna go paddle boating with us on the pond?" I asked her, poking her nose.
"Yes!" She said happily.
"No girl. It's YAS!" Hayes said.
"YAS!" She repeated.
"I'm already in love." Hayes said happily.
"She likes everyone today. Fridays are her nice days." I said shrugging.
"Amanda!" She yelled, squirming in Hayes' arms to get down.
He let her down and she ran off towards Amanda and Danny.
"Well, I guess she isn't going paddle boating with us then." Hayes said.
"I guess so." I laughed.
We got to the paddle boats and pushed one into the water, the one without a hornets nest. Damond said he took care of it with a lot of spray. But, since he's Damond, we're gonna use this one just in case.
We both hopped on and started just paddling around the large enough pond.
"So let's talk names." Hayes said.
"But we did, like, last week." I said back.
"Well, that was before we found out we are having three children." Hayes said making me laugh along. "I'm pretty good if we made three right?" Hayes asked, cheekily.
"Whatever makes you sleep at night Grier." I said as he leaned his head on my shoulder.
"See ya suckers!" Danny and Jason said from the canoe they were in together. They both splashed us with their oars while we laughed.
"Their bromance is almost as cute as Cash." Hayes said.
"Janny." I said making a hashtag sign with my fingers.
"Alright, well I like Ava Marie for a girl." Hayes suggested.
"That's cute actually. I still like Flynn Ann as a girl name." I said pedaling forward a little bit.
"And then Jason Joesph for a boy?" Hayes asked and I nodded. "I also like Nathan Benjamin for a boy." Hayes said.
"Me too." I said. "I like Mason but Jason, Mason, would just be weird." I said. "I wanna save them from any weird nicknames in school." I said, shuddering.
"Same here." Hayes said, looking at me.
I turned to look at him too.
"You're so beautiful." Hayes said cupping my jaw.
"You're so handsome." I said back.
"You just love to ruin the moment don't you?" He asked, but before I could answer he leaned in and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. My deep stomach intensified from spark overload, but I loved it.
"Go!" We heard being yelled.
Next thing you know, we're in the damn water.
"What the fuc-" I yelled, then looked around and saw mikayla swimming across the pond. She waved at me, and I awkwardly waved back. "Fudge! Was that?" I asked.
"Nice catch." Max said.
Him and Damond decided to be cocky guys, and flip our paddle boat over.
"If Mikayla wasn't watching us you would be in the hospital!" I yelled at them.
"I thought you loved me!" Damond yelled back.
"Ha, you thought wrong." I said pushing forward. But was held back by Hayes.
"Woah, I'm pissed too but you have to remember you have 3 people inside of you." Hayes reminded me.
"Oh right, shit." I whispered, but only for Hayes to hear.
"Well let's get dried off." Hayes said grabbing my hand and dragging me near the towels that were on the deck of the house.
"Hey guys, can you do me a favor?" My mom said.
"Sure mom, whatcha need?" Hayes asked, everyone called my mom their mom or Kelly because they were all close with her.
"I need you guys to run up to the store and grab some more french bread for dinner." My mom said tossing me the quad keys.
"Is this what I think it is?" I asked. I paid for a new electric quad last month, I guess it came and I never knew.
"Yep, I forgot to tell you, but you can take it up to the local Tops." My mom said.
I turned to Hayes and laughed evilly.
"Oh god." He groaned as I dragged him to the newly built garage where I saw my new baby.
In the country where we live, you can drive your quad anywhere you want, plus the local Tops was only a 5 minute drive away anyways.
It was a shiny red, and was automatic, no shifting gears needed.
"Damn." Hayes said, examining the four wheeler.
"She's a beaut." I commented getting on, and starting it. "Hear that? Runs smoothly too." I sighed. This quad could seat 3 people but Hayes got on behind me, and latched his arms around me.
I backed up into my driveway and made my way onto the deserted road.
The speed limit was 60mph, and I went exactly that.
I pulled into the parking lot of Tops after 10 minutes, due to cows blocking the road that obviously escaped from George's Farm down the road from us.
"Stay here, you need to watch my baby." I said to Hayes.
"Alright." He said rolling his eyes.
I walked into the familiar grocery store, since Jason's Dad managed this Tops.
"Hey Kaylee!" Jason's Dad, Rob, said once I turned down to the bakery.
"Hey Rob." I said back, hugging him.
"How are you?" He asked.
"Just coming for some French bread for dinner." I said while he went behind the counter to find it.
"How many do you need?" He asked.
"About 4." I responded.
"Well, are you throwing that big of a party?" He asked handing it to me.
"Oh yeah. Everyone's family is there already, it's packed." I said.
"Melissa and I wanted to come but I had to work and so did she." He said and I nodded in understanding. "What's the gender?" He asked excitedly.
"It's a girl, Amber Marie." I replied. Playing with the plastic bag.
"Oh, that's cute. Well tell my boy to stay out if trouble while there." He said before hugging me goodbye.
"I will." I said. I felt my butt vibrate, meaning I had a text.
From: sexiest person alive, Hayes😏👌
Grab some Gelato.
To: sexiest person alive, Hayes😏👌
Alright fat ass. 😁
From: sexiest person alive, Hayes😏👌
You love me and my bubble butt.💁
To: sexiest person alive, Hayes😏👌
Yeah, okay.
I rolled my eyes and returned my phone back into my pocket.
I walked down the frozen isle, trying to find the Gelato.
"Dad! Can we please get some ice cream for the pool party too?" A teenager asked coming around the corner.
She had beautiful, blonde, curly hair. She also had big brown eyes and looked around 14.
I looked at the Gelato and settled on just plain Vanilla Bean for Hayes. He can deal with it.
I turned to go down the isle when I saw something that I couldn't believe.
"Big Jack?" I asked.
He looked up from his phone and smiled at me.
"Kaylee?" He asked, he hasn't seen me since I was 16 but he hasn't been called Big Jack since we last saw him.
Just this year I paid detectives to find his daughter and his wife, Karen, for him and they found them. So I guess he lives here now.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"We live here now, and my daughter, Jasmine, is getting some food for her pool party tomorrow." He said.
"We are having a gender party for Emily and Zach right now if you want to come." I invited him.
"Oh I couldn't-" he started.
"But you could." I said. "There are girls there Jasmines age, plus we have a freezer there you can put your ice cream in for now." I suggested.
"Wow, thanks." He said hugging me.
"Anytime." I said smiling back at him. "Grab anything Hunny, it's on me." I said to Jasmine.
"Thank you!" She said, grabbing 3 tubs of ice cream.
"You don't have to." Jack said.
"It's my Mom's money, so it doesn't matter." I said and he shrugged along with me.
We checked out and made our way outside.
"Can you put this bag in your car? Just follow me on that four wheeler." I said pointing over to where Hayes' back was to us.
"Oh, nice boy you got there." Jack said, grabbing my bags, while I blushed. "what's his name?" He asked.
"Hayes." I said, smiling and rubbing my arm up and down.
"Awe, I always knew you guys would work out." Jack said shutting his trunk.
"Thanks, I love him." I said. "Just follow me, like I said." He nodded and I ran to the quad.
"Okay, so I came up with a name for your baby." Hayes said excitedly.
"And that is?" I asked him, starting the quad.
"Moquiesha." He said smiling.
"Is that ratchet or ghetto?" I asked him.
"Both. Where's your bags?" He asked.
"You'll see." I said, pulling out of the parking lot.
"As long as you got me Gelato, I'm not gonna question you." He said wrapping his arms around me.
I laughed and raced down the road, jack behind me.
4 updates in a date people✌️ you're welcome 😏
Anyways, expect more since I have nothing to do all week!

Love means no distance 3 (hayes grier fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora