Chapter 3

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Kaylee's POV

Well, work ended early since it started to rain around 2pm, and they need it to not be raining in order to shoot the film, since it is outside.

Brighton landed a date for tonight while at work, which didn't surprise me at all since she is super pretty, and she knows that.

I decided to have Damond over because I didn't want to be lonely.


"Can you get that?!" Brighton yelled from her bedroom off the loft.

"REALLY??" I screamed and then groaned. Damond and I were currently watching 22 Jump Street, old movie, i know, but it's a rainy day and we are both bored out of our minds. So bored that we started having competitions with who could hold their breath longer, scream loudest, and catch or juggle popcorn the most.

I set the bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table in front of me and reluctantly stood up to make my way to the door.

"Don't eat any popcorn while I'm gone." I warned Damond. He just threw his hands up in surrender and paused the movie so I wouldn't miss anything.

I was currently wearing Damond's grey Adidas sweatpants, orange v-neck, and mix match socks (green and purple). My hair was in a messy ponytail and I had on my glasses that I recently got last year for my far sided eyes.

I opened the door and my mouth fell agape to the person standing in front of me.

"Oh, hey Kaylee. Is Brighton here?" Hayes asked while rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Uh-yeah. May I ask why you need her?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"KAYLEE! HURRY UP I WANT TO EAT THE POCORN! THE TEMPTATION IS GETTING HARDER TO RESIST!" Damond screamed while groaning. You can tell we are related because we look EXACTLY alike. It's super creepy, yet expected.

I awkwardly turned to Hayes and I could tell he was trying to hold in a laugh, but was failing.

"You're not such a good actor out of the set, are you Grier?" I asked jokingly.

"Eh. Depends on my mood." Hayes said jokingly back.

"Ah so we have a joker don't we?" I asked while smiling.

"I guess you do Kaylee Marie." Hayes said back since he didn't know my last name. I mostly didn't use my last name, but any true fan of mine would know my last name or who I truly am from Star Tour, Magcon, or my simple social medias. Usually my mom tweets me using all caps when she's mad. It's not all fun and games when your parents own social media accounts and stalk you 24/7.

"Seriously! What is taking you so lo-" Damond said but then paused when he saw who was at the door. His eyes immediately widened and he turned to look at me. I knew Hayes didn't know who I was, but I didn't want him to know until it was necessary. Mostly my whole head is into my career, no time for boys, unless they are my brothers, that's kinda forced love but never mind that.

"Oh hello. I'm Hayes, Hayes Grier." Hayes said smoothly while putting out his hand.

"Hey. I'm Damond, Damond Go-" I made sure Damond didn't finish his sentence by kindly elbowing him in the gut.

"Oh, sorry about him, he is always such a cults. I'm gonna go get him some ice, and you can come inside while you wait for the princess herself." I said in a posh accent while helping a groaning, hurt, Damond into the kitchen.

"Why the hell would you do that?" Damond yelled/whispered.

"Because I don't want Hayes to know it's me, and by you telling him you're last name, Hayes would instantly recognize you and then me after, since we look so alike." I said while opening our gourmet fridge and grabbing the ice for his stomach.

"So? what's so bad if he knows who you really are? Soon he will, and it won't end well." Damond said while I wrapped a dish towel around the ice.

"I know that Damond, but my whole life is now focused on acting." I said placing the ice on his tummy. He hissed at the cold, but soon relaxed. "Plus, I don't want to ruin what Brighton and Hayes might have. Maybe if they weren't interested in each other, I would tell him." I said while grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl we have in the center of our marble island.

"Alright, I promise not to tell, but if anyone asks, you tried to kill me with a light saber and I had to keep my oath to the stars wars fan club." Damond said placing a hand over his eye while reciting a stupid speech that he had to do in a made up club he participated in, in middle school.

"Alright, but I have the blue light saber and I am definitely not your father Damond." I said while biting into the apple and walking into the living room. I'm pretty sure Hayes would've heard if Brighton's music wasn't blaring right now, and luckily it was.

I sat down on the couch next to Hayes, and Damond sat on the other side of him.

"Okay we need to go over some ground rules, Grier." Damond said while looking at Hayes intently. Hayes nodded but you could see him tense up.

"Curfew is at 10pm." I said and Hayes nodded.

"Whatever leftovers you have come back to this household." Damond said sternly, us Gorney's don't kid around about our fellow food.

"I am not going to be a godmother in 9 months." I said giving him a warning finger. I tried keeping a straight face, but it didn't work.

"If anything protect your dang penis son!" Damond yelled taking a condom out of him pocket and throwing it in Hayes' lap. Hayes' eyes widen and I was trying not to laugh and stay serious.

"Don't bring her around nuts, she's allergic to them." I said. "And I'm not talking about the nuts you eat young man." I said while pointing a finger down. He looked at me like I was crazy, making it harder not to laugh.

"And if anything happens, like if a blow job done wrong goes down, take these pads fellow son. They will help catch the blood while you experience a man period." Damond said while handing a package of pads to Hayes. Hayes' eyes seemed to look shocked, as if he realized something. Damn it Damond, I'm telling you, him and his pads will be the death of me.

"I'm ready!" Brighton yelled while coming down the stairs.

"GOD BLESS YOU!" I yelled while standing up. Everyone looked at me weirdly. "It's this twin telepathy thing, I knew that Damond is about to sneeze in 3-2-1." I said while pointing to Damond who then faked a pretty good sneeze. His character in the movie has allergies so it helps.

"Okay?" Brighton said stretching out the word. "Well we are gonna get going. I should be home around 9:30ish." Brighton said while linking arms with Hayes and leading them to the door.

"And remember our little chat Grier!" Damond yelled down the hallway before closing the door behind him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled at Damond while plopping down on the couch.

"What do you mean?" Damond asked while sitting down next to me. He knew I was on my monthly and was handling it better than I imagined, except for his stupid pad jokes.

"Hayes probably knows now who we are because of you and your stupid pads!" I yelled while stuffing my face with popcorn.

"Alright, slow down so you don't choke yourself." Damond said taking away the bowl from me. "And second of all, it's just my thing with the pads. You see they are my only true love. Except for George, the suitcase, he's a keeper." Damond said making googley eyes at the ceiling.

"Alright let's just watch this movie." I sighed and pressed play.

But my focus wasn't on the tv, or the movie, or Damond, or eating, or acting.

It was on the pain that I could feel deep in my stomach.

Was I jealous?

Love means no distance 3 (hayes grier fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang