Chapter 34

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Kaylee's POV
"I wish I was there with you guys." I said while frowning.

Having a marathon of cupcake wars makes you have cravings you never knew existed, and was something to not do alone.

"Yeah, well she's beautiful. God, I can't believe I'm a dad!" Zach said over the phone, you could practically feel his smile. It's very contagious. "Damn, I'm old." He sighed.

"Don't say that, because then that also means I'm old." I scolded.

"Sorry. It's almost Christmas. Can't wait to see you back in Buffalo." He said while I laughed. He was so excited, but I could see that just going through a long night of Emily giving labor and the whole new baby facade, he had a good reason to be. "Then you could see Amber. She's a cute little thing."

"I bet she is." I laughed again.
"I can't wait until these damn babies get out of me." I yelled dramatically. "I mean, I'm a walking yoga ball!" I giggled.

"Yeah, I saw some pictures from Hayes. They were pretty funny. I favorited them on my phone!" He said, overly happy.

"Well I'll let you get back to your baby. Bye." I said, hanging up the phone after he said some salutations too.

"Who was that?" Hayes asked, walking into our newly shared bedroom.

"Just Zach." I said, smiling at him, and accepting a peck on the lips.

"Oh, the whole baby happiness? I hope we aren't that hyperactive when they come out." Hayes said, rubbing my stomach.

"Either we will be 3 times the happiness, or we will be equal." I shrugged while smiling up at him.

"Hey, go big or go home. Am I right?" He asked, laughing at himself.

"I agree." I nodded with him.
"So I was wondering," Damond started. "is there any way that the boy could be named Damond?" He asked, for the thousandth time.

"Oh my god, no!" I whined, for the thousandth time too.

"Geez, it was just a suggestion." Damond mumbled, leaning over to Brighton and faking whispering something in her ear, while she just nodded along.

Hayes, Brighton, Damond, and I were all out to dinner at a local Applebee's. It's quite interesting to eat dinner with Damond, every situation has multiple possible outcomes waiting to happen.

"Wow, I have an idea!" Damond started again, while all of us groaned. "Feeling the gratifying love from you guys over here!" He sarcastically said.

"What could it be this time?" Hayes asked, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"What if it was the middle name?" Damond said happily.

"I don't-" Hayes began.

"We'll think about it." I finished, while Hayes gave me a stern look.

"That's all I was asking for." Damond sighed, while Brighton laughed. "What?"

"You're just too funny sometimes." Brighton laughed, while Damond smiled at her. Gag.

"I can't believe that Amanda and Danny are having triplets too, that's just crazy." Brighton said, while flicking Damond in the head.

"Ouchems." Damond growled.

"Must run in this family." I shrugged. "But Em and Jason are having twins too, so that's crazy." I said, swirling my fry in some ketchup.

"I would have to say that when we have reunions at home, it's going to be like a barn or something." Damond joked, actually making us nod along with him.
"Is that how it's supposed to look?" I asked Hayes while sitting in the rocking chair.

We were currently in the babies nursery, and Hayes was trying to put up the cribs. But as always he refused my help.

"I hope so, I don't want it breaking apart while the babies sleep in them." He said, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"That could make it on one of those tv shows that show funny videos. Ugh, what are they called?" I muttered.

"Like AFV, or Ridiculousness?" Hayes asked me, looking for a nail on the ground somewhere.

"Yeah! All we need is a camera set up somewhere in here and we have another income!" I cheered, trying to lighten his stress.

"Ha-ha. I'm dying, that was so hysterical." Hayes said dryly, looking up at me with a somewhat pout.

"Hayes. I know you're stressed, and so am I. But can you at least laugh at my jokes? I think they are pretty funny but to have only myself laugh at them is pretty lame." I said to him, mocking his pout and tone of voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated." Hayes sighed, standing up and walking over to me. Only to kneel down so we were at eye level. "Do you have any more cringe worthy jokes for me to fake laugh at?" Hayes asked, a hint of a smile on his perfect features.

"I'm feel quite Hungary." I said while rubbing my chin.

"Oh my god." Hayes mumbled, but quickly covered it up with a smile.

"I'm in the mood for a Turkey sandwich, and a Canada soda." I said, laughing right after.

"Lol, so funny. It made me pee my pants." Hayes giggled, but quickly turned into a monotone dry laugh.

"You're Jamaican me crazy. You don't appreciate my jokes? Uganda be kidding me." I said, rubbing his hair all around. "I'm just China be funny for you, but you have no Chile, man." I snorted, amusing my self.

Then I felt a kick from one of the babies.

"Oh-Kay. Hello there." I said.

"What?" Hayes asked.

I took ahold of his hand and placed it on my stomach so he could feel.

"See, other people like my jokes. It's not just me." I argued.

"Oh shut it." Hayes muttered, but smiled nonetheless.

"Was that a smile?" I asked him in a high pitched voice.

"What? No." He dragged out.

"You're an idiot." I told him, pinching his cheeks.

"Ow, meanie." He whined.

"I love you." I sang, squishing his cheeks together.

"I don't see how this shows your love for me." He said, but was mushed together from my cheek pinching and pushing.
I laughed again, and kissed his squished lips.

"Mwah!" I exaggerated, making sound effects of the kiss, while Hayes rolled his eyes. "Do yo feel any better?" I asked, letting go of his cheeks, and placing my hands around his neck to play with his hair.

"A little." He sighed from the attention of my massaging of the hair.

"Well you're welcome. Now how about you let me help you with the crib this time?" I asked.

"I don't-" He started.

"I'll just sit next to you and hand you stuff." I shrugged, while finishing his sentence for him.

"Fine." He sighed, kissing me on the cheek.
Well it's been forever since I've written anything.
But this is 1170 words, so I hope that makes up for it.
The book is almost completely over, just a couple more chapters to go.
I'm going to miss this book, it was my first. But I'm hoping to pick it all back up and continue on with new writings hopefully.
Thanks for all the love!

Love means no distance 3 (hayes grier fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang