Chatper 1: Just a weakling.....

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(Sorry if the characters seem out of character.)

"The Z fighters are the strongest fighters around." Said a young y/n with stars in his eyes. Unlike most of the earth's population, you knew the Z fighters were the real heros saving the day. You found out about the Z fighters through Videl and ever since you dreamed of being one of them. You hopes were kinda low until you saw a teenage boy in the Z fighters. "Maybe I do have a chance!" Y/n thought. You clench your fist and look at it. "Even though I have low power , I know I can get stronger if one of them trained me." You continued to think.

Finally you look A head at a place Videl told you were the Z fighters were last seen. You walked up pass a few trees and noticed two figures. "That's Goku and Krillin!" You thought to yourself. "Ok be calm and approach them." You thought as you walked up to both of them. Both of them had already noticed you walking up to them. Goku had a smile on his face from seeing a newcomer. While Krillin had a surprised look upon seeing a human walking towards them out in the middle of nowhere.
"H-h-hi...." You nervously said to them. Goku continued to smile while Krillin kept up his surprised face on. "Uh hello." He replied to you. A smile appeared on your face. "Krillin just said hi to me!" You thought excited. Goku finally spoke up. "Hi I'm Goku, What's your name?" He asked as he extended his hand out to you. "I'm Y/n!" You said as you shook Goku's hand. "I know who you guys are and I'm a really big fan all of you!" You shouted in one quick sentience. Krillin reacted surprised about this while Goku was still happy to meet another person. "Wait what!" Krillin with his mouth open surprised. "I know about your guys fights from a friend. I know about the two aliens (saiyans) attacking earth and about some androids destroying cities."You finished up saying. Goku looked at you still smiling. "So why did you come on all the way out of here?" Goku asked. "Well I'm was wondering if I-"
you were interrupted by a man's voice. "Kakarot where are you!" He heard the voice shout. Soon a man appears behind the two heros. "There you are! I was looking for you. Are you ready to train?" The man asked impatiently. "One sec Vegeta my new friend wanted to ask me a question." Goku replied to Vegeta. Vegeta look at you with a sneer. "Who the hell are you?" Vegeta questioned. "I'm Y/n" you replied. Vegeta's eyes narrowed at you. "So what was you question Y/n?" Goku asked. "I was wondering if it's possible if any of you guys would train me!" You asked them "I want to be strong just you! You continued. "I want to be a Z fighter!" You finally finished. Now Goku and Krillin shared the same surprised look. While Vegeta began to laugh. "Ahahaha you ahahah! A Z fighter!" Vegeta laughed. "How could you ever amount to anything! I can't even sense your power level! If you think you could possibly train with us then you obviously hit your head!" Vegeta said laughing at you.
You waited for a response from Goku or Krillin. "Guys?" You spoke to get their attention. Krillin looked at you and said "I'm sorry but it's too dangerous for you to try and train with us. I'm sorry but I refuse." Krillin said looking away. "Goku?" You looked at him in any hopes of him accepting you. Goku's once smiling face was replaced with a serious one. "I'll go ask the others....." Goku said as he walked away. "You stay right there. After a few minutes Goku came back with four more people, Piccolo, Gohan, Yamcha, and Tien. Goku gave you a sad look. "I'm sorry but they all refused...." Goku said. Piccolo gave natural look. "Your timing is very poorly." None of us have the time to train you or even join for that matter." Piccolo finished. Yamcha spoke next. "Sorry dude but I think you're cut out to be a Z fighter." Yamcha told you. Tien said nothing but shook his head when you turned towards him. "What about you?" You asked Gohan. "We're about the same age." You reasoned. Gohan gave a sad apologizing look. "I'm sorry but I'm in training myself, there is no way I could teach you anything." Gohan while looking away from you like Krillin. "Goku?" You looked at him desperately on the verge of tears. Goku gave you a apologizing look. " I'm sorry but I can't train you it's too dangerous. I can't risk your health like that." Goku explained. You could feel tears start to run down your face. All of the Z fighters rejected you. Goku placed his hand on your shoulder. "Maybe there is someone that can train you, his name is Roshi." Goku said trying to cheer you up. You slapped his hand. "No! I wanted to be trained by one of you!" You cried. Vegeta laughed at your crying. "Hahah how you ever expect to be a warrior if you cry yourself!" Vegeta mocked. "Even if we trained you, you would always be just a weakling!" Vegeta finished grinning. "That's enough Vegeta!" Goku shouted. Everyone gave Vegeta a glare and when they turned back you were gone..... "I hope you understand." Goku said to himself.

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