Chapter 12: Training with Chi-chi

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It was early in the morning and as you predicted last night, all three of the girls were snuggled on you. Chi-chi was on your left, Bulma was on your right. With Videl literally on top of you. "I can't move!" You thought to yourself. It was true the girls had you in a solid hold altogether. When you looked at their faces, it made you blush. The girls looked extremely cute sleeping. "Come on girls please let me get up" you begged to the sleeping girls, only for none of them to budged.
"Psst, Videl...." You whispered in Videl ear. This seem led to do the trick as Videl opened one eye barley. "Huh? What is it?" She asked you. "You do realize you are lying on top of me" you told Videl. A few seconds of silence was all it took for Videl to finally realize what you said. "Oh my God!" Videl screamed as she launched off the bed. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to....lie on you....." Videl said as her face heating. You took this opportunity to escape from your make shift prison. "Freedom!" You thought. Upon getting out of bed, you hugged Videl on your way out of the ship. This made her blush even more. Leaving the ship, you head to master Roshi to see if he was up.

The sight you saw when you opened the door made you laugh. Bad Launch and master Roshi both were spitting out their breakfast with funny faces. Bad Launch spoke up after spitting out her food. "I told you I'm terrible at cooking!" Bad Launch told Master Roshi. "Just keep trying, practice makes perfect." Master Roshi responded. "It feels like I get worse every time I try....." Bad Launch said sadly. "Here let me help this time." Master Roshi offered. "Alright.... but no funny business or you'll eat lead!" Bad Launch warned master Roshi. Bad Launch finally notice your presence.  "Oh hey, it's Y/n Right? Master Roshi explained to me who you are, I'm sure we'll get along as long..... as you don't get on my bad side." Bad Launch said trying to sound intimidating.  You rolled your eyes at her attempt. "Did you just roll eyes at me!" Bad Launch yelled. "That's i- ahhh ahhh chuuu!" Bad Launch sneezed turning back to good Launch. "Oh excuse me, I'm sorry if I caused any trouble." Launch apologized. "It's alright, but I like you more then the other Launch." You admitted. "Awwww thank you." Launch giggled. "What's this?" Launch asked as she picked up a fork and ate some eggs. "Ew! gross, who made this." Launch asked in disgust. "You did..... sugar mama...." Master Roshi told Launch while looking at her breast. "Ohhh.... Well I can fix this. Launch said taking the plates away and headed back in the kitchen oblivious to master Roshi comment. "Good morning Y/n." Master Roshi said. "Good morning Master Roshi." You greeted back. You sat down next to Master Roshi. While Launch was still cooking, all the girls starting coming in the house one at a time. Chi-chi was the first one to come in the house. "Good morning Y/n, Good morning Master Roshi..." Chi-chi yawned. Sitting next to you and Master Roshi. Bulma was the next one to come inside. "Good morning guys." Bulma said sleepy eyed. The finally one to enter was Videl, who was wide awake but still embarrassed about early. "Good morning....." Videl said blushing. Bulma sat next you, while Videl said across from you, trying to avoid your gaze. Before anyone could speak, Launch appeared with a tray full of eggs in her hand. "I knew everyone would be up by now, sorry to keep you waiting." Launch giggled. After the platter was set down, everyone made a plate. Again their was more food then people. "My stomach is going to explode here....."  You thought to yourself.

After lunch you excused yourself to practice more ki control. "Don't go flying away now!" Master Roshi joked.  warned. Everyone was still chatting, leaving you to train alone. You walked onto the beach. "Let's see if I still have got it." You said charging a ki blast. You threw the ki blast like a baseball, causing an explosion in the water. "Yep, still got it." You said to yourself. "I wonder what else I can learn..." You thought to yourself. You decided to try applying ki blow your feet......

Everyone was still chatting in the Kame house before they heard someone crying out for help. "Help!" Everyone heard outside. Chi-chi instantly took off with others following suit. Everyone looked around not seeing you on the ground...... "Y/n! Where are you?" Yelled Chi-chi. "Up here! Help!" You replied. Everyone looked up, surprised seeing you in the air. "Y/n! How did you get up there!?" Bulma shouted worried. "Out of all honesty, I literally have no idea." You admitted. This made Master Roshi laugh. "What's so funny!?" You yelled at Master Roshi. "It seems you have found out how to fly.... by mistake" Master Roshi explained. "Cool I guess, but how do I get down!?" You asked Master Roshi. "Try manipulate your ki under your body to move around." Master Roshi instructed. "Uh ok..." You focus your ki under your body and us it to move left and then right. "So far so good..." You slowly levitate down to the ground. "Almost...." You said. All the girls watched in amazement as you landed on the ground. "That was so cool!" Videl praised you. "Amazing!" Bulma commented. "Heh, thanks." You blushed. "Meh, that's an overrated skill." Master Roshi mumbled. Chi-chi looked at Master Roshi. "I would like to see you do better!" She challenge master Roshi. "Like I said it's an overrated skill!" Master Roshi stated. "Maybe because you can't do it!" Chi-chi shot back. "I can do it but I chose not to." Master Roshi said heading back to the house. "Chicken...." Chi-chi mumbled. "Hey Chi-chi, you think you can train me now?" You asked Chi-chi. This caught Chi-chi off guard. "R-r-really? Now?" She stuttered. Both of the girls gave her questioning look. "I mean of course I'll train you!" Chi-chi beamed. "Let me get ready first." Chi-chi said as she went inside to change. Bulma pulled Videl to the side. "Hey Videl want to help me build something for Y/n's training?" She asked Videl. "Anything for Y/n!" Videl smiled. Videl and Bulma walked off to work on a special project, leaving you alone to wait for Chi-chi. After a few minutes Chi-chi appears. "I'm ready now." Chi-chi said stepping out of the house. "Alright, let's get to training...." You dwelled off upon seeing Chi-chi's training clothes. She was wearing a blue dress with red stash around.The waist and red trimmings. "Please tell me she's wearing pants...." You thought upon seeing her bare legs. "Are you ready?" Chi-chi asked. "One second." You said as you dialed up the weight on your boots. "I have things fair. This way it will be difficult to dodge your attacks." You explained. "Big mistake." Chi-chi said preparing an attack. "Ready.... go" Chi-chi yelled charging at you. "Dodge this!" Chi-chi yelled sending a barrage of kicks your way. The added weight made it harder to move around as you barley dodged her attacks. "Maybe the added weight was a mistake..." You thought to yourself. "You're wide open. Chi-chi said launching another assault at you. She sent jabs at body, while kicks were sent to your head. Upon closer inspection, you see her attack pattern. Chi-chi was trying to hit weak points in your body, while aiming at your head as a distraction. "Nice try!" You said taking a kick to the side of head and flicked Chi-chi's forehead. "You lose." Chi-chi looked confused. "Why is that?"
"Because I saw your tactic, you were distracting me, while in reality you were aiming for my weak points for an easy take down!" You said to Chi-chi. "Good job, as a reward let me show you a few tricks." Chi-chi said as she grabbed your hand. The next thing surprised and made you blush. Chi-chi puts her hand on her chest. "If you want to stun an opponent aim for the middle of their chest, although be warned as that could kill them. Next she moved your hand to the back of her knee. "Hitting the back of the knee can ruin a person's legs in a fight." Chi-chi explained. "So soft....." You thought to yourself as you paid attention. Chi-chi moved your hand to the nape of her arm. "Disabling an opponent's arm is good way to prevent further attacks and less defences." Your hand was moved to her throat. "Another soft spot to hit and damage an opponent. Eyes are also another weak point in an opponent." Chi-chi explained. "Also don't forget the nose it's actually very sensitive." While the tactics Chi-chi explained sounded cheap to most or some, it could matter in life or death against a deadly foe. "Thanks for the advice Chi-chi." You thanked her. "No problem, another thing you need to know is to throw off an opponent with a false tactic. "Bait them and aim for your real target." Chi-chi finished making a jab motion. "Chi-chi must have been studying for something." You guessed. "Hey Chi-chi?" You said getting her attention. "How is it you know all this stuff?" You asked her. "Hmm, well I've been training for years but.... I heard there was another tournament coming up soon." Chi-chi admitted. "I was going to enter it, so I studied on weak points." All this interested you. "I think I'll enter the tournament to." You told Chi-chi. "Really? That would be great... so I can beat you!" Chi-chi joked as she jabbed at you lightly. The act made you laugh. You stopped laughing as Chi-chi pulled you in a hug..... The was an act of good will but Chi-chi had to place your head, were most men would only dream of.... her breasts. A blush was on your face as Chi-chi spoke to you. "With both of us entering the tournament, one of us is bound to win!" Chi-chi said with a smile. After being released, you turned away from Chi-chi. "I got to go!.... I think master Roshi is calling me!" You left the scene still embarrassed. Chi-chi smiled as you left off to the house. Chi-chi's smile soon faded as she just realised were she put you. "I just put his head in my breasts......." Chi-chi thought with a deep red blush that could rival Videl's. "What was I thinking? He must be freaked out now!" Chi-chi said mentally slapping herself. "I just got caught in the moment...." Chi-chi said sitting on the ground to cool off.

(I added more bonding time with Chi-chi. Next bonding moment will be with Bulma whenever I think of one. On another note, The next few chapters are going to be most likely about the tournament, so it's going interesting. Thanks for reading! Until next time.)

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