Chapter 17: Tournament tag team

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Both Chi-chi and you were called to the arena. Sahich and Olive were standing in the opposite corner. Sahich was a big muscular man who was either a body builder or beach jock, because Sahich was doing flexing poses every few seconds. He wore a outfit ment for the beach. His partner on the other hand looked very serious. Olive wasn't very muscular compared to his partner, but his face was very serious. His outfit looked like a outfit Master martial artist wore. "I hope your ready to lose!" Sahich said taunting you two. "The only one who's going to lose is you!" Chi-chi shot back. The announcer stepped between both of teams. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Are you ready for first match? The first round we have Y/n and Chi-chi versus Sahich and Olive! First one to knock out both tag team members lose! With that being said! Let the match begin! The announcer finished flagging his hand down and left.

Everyone stood off each other. "Chi-chi which one do you want to take on?" You whispered. "I'll take care of the loud mouth!" Chi-chi growled. "Chi-chi wait!" You said but it was too late as Chi-chi took off and kicked Sahich in the face. "Never mind..." You say as you see Chi-chi beating up Sahich. "Guess that leaves Olive to m-" you were cut off by jab to your face. "Cheap shot!" You spat out at Olive. "You should pay attention to your surroundings more." Olive mocked.
"I was going to go easy on you." You said rubbing your mouth. "But now I'm going to beat you senseless!" You vanish behind Olive surprising him. "What kind trickery is this?" Olive said before backing up. "It's not trickery, I'm simply moving faster then you can see." You explain as you vanish behind Olive again. "Liar! That's impossible! Nobody can do that!" Olive said as he jumped back. "Fine don't tell me! but prepare for my ultimate attack. Snake sneak strike!" You hear Olive shout as he launches at you. You raise your defense just as he started his strikes. Olive jabbed at you rapidly and shouted snake names "Cobra strike! Python strike! Boa strike! Viper strike!" Olive suddenly produced a grenade and tossed it near you. "Exploding Snake strike!" Olive said as the grenade went off as he jumped away. "Hehehe seems I over did it." Olive laughed. "You were all talk and no action hahaha" Olive's eyes bulged out upon seeing you unharmed form his cheap attack. "What!? Impossible!? How did you survive that!?" Olive said surprised. "I don't know maybe your too weak." You suggested. "How dare you mock me! Do you have any idea who I am!? I am the the grand student of the Snake school master!" Olive proudly said. "I will not lose to the likes of you! You are nothing! You are trash!" Olive was cut off by a punch in the gut. "Ughh!" Olive yelled falling back. "You talk too much." You commented. Olive gave you glare as he held his gut. "What a punch....." Olive thought to himself. "I have no other choice but to use my special venom....." Olive gave you sly smile. "you're pretty tough...." Olive admitted. Behind Olive's back he slips on a sharp ring. "But now I will reveal my secret technique." Olive said rushing towards you. "Secret snake strike!" Olive shouted striking you with his fist with his ring. "Hehehe this venom can kill an entire village by itself." Olive said to himself. "There is no way he could survive." Olive waited a few minutes for the venom to take effect..... But nothing happened. "So what was that supposed to do....." You asked still standing unharmed. "Why isn't it working!" Olive said frustrated. "You should be dead!" You take a step towards Olive. "You shouldn't underestimate your opponent." You take another step only to feel a bit weird. Each step was getting harder to take. "What's happening?" You asked dazed. You hear Olive chuckle evily. "So I guess all it took was time." Olive said darkly. "Whether you die or not is not my concern as long I still win." You looked at Olive angry look. "That jerk poisoned me....." You said to yourself. "Muhaha I'll be advancing to the next round now." Olive said preparing another strike. "Now be quiet and die." Olive strikes you again only for you grab his jab. "What!?" Was all Olive could say as you mustered all your strength to pick him up and throw him into a wall. "Uhhhhhh...." was all Olive could say as he slid off the wall from a indentation he made from being thrown. Olive was down for the count.

"Olive has been knocked out!" The announcer announced. "But Chi-chi doesn't seem to be doing to well.
You forget about the venom in your body as you at Chi-chi. Sahich was holding her like a rag doll with one hand. Chi-chi was badly beaten and hurt. She was barley conscious with slow breathing. "I think I broke her!" Sahich said laughing. The venom seemed to have no effect on you as your angry grew. "You...... Bastard!" You said vanishing up to Sahich and throw a barrage of attacks upon him. "Rrrrahhh!" You shouted as you finished your combo with a undercut. "Uggghhhh!" Sahich shouted as he vomited blood and blasted off the ring. "Sahich is out for the count as well! The winner is Y/n and Chi-chi!" Chi-chi gave you a hearty as best as she could. "Thanks Y/n, he had an insane defense..... I focused so much on my attacks which left my defense down.... I should known better..." Chi-chi finished before falling unconscious. "Chi-chi!" You shouted as you ran to her. "Somebody get a few doctors! And an ambulance for the big guy!" The announcer ordered a few staff members.

After the fight Chi-chi got patched up. She also regained consciousness, Chi-chi smiled upon seeing you. "It's alright, I'm fine now." Chi-chi reassured you. "I should feel better by my next fight." Chi-chi said happily. "I guess your right. But be careful you got seriously hurt by that last guy." You warned her. "I left my guard down which ended up me being hurt, I'll know better next time." Chi-chi said to you. "Alright I'm going to check on you every once in awhile to see if you recover enough for the next fight." You say to  Chi-chi before leaving. "Oh and Y/n?" Chi-chi asked stopping you. "Yeah?" You replied. "Thanks for knocking that big guy into the sky." Chi-chi said with a laugh. "I was still holding back." You admitted. "I didn't want to completely obliterate them. I just merely added so more strength to my punches..... although I may have killed him by mistaken...." You said nervously. "You're alright now Chi-chi and that's what matters right now." You tell her before leaving. Chi-chi smiled at your concern. "He got so angry just for little old me." Chi-chi laughed. "I hope you win the tournament Y/n." Chi-chi said to herself before lying down to rest.

(Now that the first match is done, it's time for the next round of the tournament. Who's going against who you wonder? Stick around and find out in Tournament tag team part 2!)

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