Chapter 3: Training beyond normal limits

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(This chapter is when the training begins.)

Waking up early in morning, marks your first day of training. A powerful scent of breakfast foods hits your nose. You instantly thought about who was cooking breakfast and a image of Videl of wearing an apron crossed your mind. You begin to walk towards with the image of Videl still in your head but the image is soon shattered by a sight of Hercule in an apron cooking breakfast. Hercule finally notices you. "Well good morning my new apprentice!" You gave Hercule annoyed look. "I'm not your apprentice..." You mumbled. "Well until you surpass me, I'm going to keep calling my apprentice." Hercule joked. "Don't push it..." You mumbled again. Videl walked in behind you and tapped your shoulder to let you know she entered the room. "Good morning mister grumpy." Videl joked. "Good morning sleeping beauty." You joked back. Hercule finished up cooking and severed breakfast. Everyone at the table was talking about different ways for you to train.
"How about you do a basic human workout?" Hercule suggested. I mean you can't automatically expect to lift trucks over your head, now can you? Hercule was right, you can't push yourself too far. You have to start out simple and build your way up. "My dad has made you a training schedule for your first week." Videl said as she slipped you a sheet of paper with a schedule on it. "Starting in the morning you will run 10-20 laps around the mansion." Videl explained. "After that you will do push ups until you ache. Then you have a break and after that you do sit ups. After all that we'll see if your up for the rest of the training." Videl finished explaining. "Also my dad has some training clothes for you to wear for your exercise routine. The clothes purpose of the clothes will be put to action later." Videl then when back to eating.

Finally finishing breakfast you were pumped for your first day of training. "Alright, let's do this!" You shouted as you rose from the table and headed out the door. "Hey! Wait up!" You heard Videl shout as she chased after you. This leaves Hercule chuckling at your guys antics. "You're going go far kid." Hercule said to himself as he started cleaning up the dishes. (To score some extra points with the maid.)

Outside Videl gave you your training clothes. "It looks like just a regular jumpsuit." You told Videl. The jumpsuit was dark navy blue. "Like I said at lunch the jumpsuit purpose will be explained later." Videl repeated. "Now go get changed." Videl began to push you towards the nearest bathroom to change. After getting change you feel like you have mobility by wearing the jumpsuit.

Upon exiting out you see a women with blue hair standing next to Videl chatting. Upon walking up closer you see the women is none other than Bulma the daughter of creator of Capsule crops. "Woah, your Bulma Briefs heir to capsule corps." You spoke amazed at seeing her. "I'm such a huge fan of your work Mrs.Briefs!" Bulma smiled at you upon you saying that. "Oh you must be Y/n, I'm always happy to meet a fan." Bulma stated. "And please just call me Bulma" after claiming down a bit, you wondered why Bulma was here. "So Bulma what brings you here?" You asked her. "Well two little birdies told me what happened last night and I feel like you may need some extra help with training." Bulma answered. "That person that called you a weakling the other day is my ex boyfriend." Bulma said a little sad. "What he did to you was wrong and I feel like someone needs to teach him a lesson!" Bulma then pointed to your jumpsuit. "That's why I made that jumpsuit for you, it's made to give you more mobility and ment to carry added weights." Bulma said proud of her genius work. "Really? Thanks!" You praised Bulma. Videl gave Bulma a jealous look and puffed up her cheeks but quickly hid it before anyone saw it. "Oh that's right I almost forgot." Bulma said as she pulled out a blue scouter. "This will check out your power level." Bulma explained. "Here, let me try it." Bulma said as put the scouter on and checked your power level. "It's over 5! 16 to be precise." Bulma read to you. "That's actually a pretty good power level for just an Earthling, Y/n." Bulma said praising you.
After hearing your power level, you raised your fist up to your chest. "By next week, I'll double it!" You proclaimed to two girls. Both of them smiled at your self proclaimed goal. "I know you can do it if you put your heart into it!" Bulma said. "I got go, I'll stop by Friday to see your progress." Bulma said as she walked away. "Bye I hope you guys have a good week!" Bulma walked away through the gate of Hercule's mansion.
"Wow, that was awesome I met Bulma." You happily stated to Videl. Videl smiled back at you hiding her jealousy of Bulma getting a praise from you. "Bulma is going to help you after this week over, after doing the regiment for a week. We can see how much weight your body can handle." Videl finished explaining. "That's awesome Videl, I can't wait to start training now!" You smiled at Videl as you prepared for your run. Videl was preparing run with you. Finally you spoke up before you began to start your running. "Thanks Videl." You said. "For what?" She asked. "For everything, you helped set my plans in motions and gave me the will carry on to be stronger." You admitted to Videl. "You're welcome." Videl said as she blushed upon hearing you admit that to her. Both of you took off to do laps around the mansion. This was the only the start of your training, and from this day forth you would only get stronger.

(And done with chapter three! I really enjoyed writing this. Thanks for reading, I'll try to work on The next part soon.)

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