Chapter 15: A fiery encounter!

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After everyone woke up and wemt to breakfast, you notice something off about Master Roshi. "Master Roshi you seem down, what's bothering you." Master Roshi looked at you and Videl sadly. "Do you two remember Turtle?" Videl and you nodded. "Well he's gone missing for about a day or so now." You realized that could have been your fault. "Did my Kamehameha sweep away!?" You said worried. "Nope he was watching television when you did that." Master Roshi told you. "Turtle would have told me where he was going..... so I think he either got lost or kidnapped." Master Roshi reasoned. "That's awful! Videl spoke up. "Who would do such a thing to a sweet Trutle!" Videl said with worry. You give Master Roshi a reassuring smile "I'll help you find him Master Roshi." You said to Master Roshi. "I'll help as well" Videl offered. "I'll provide eyes with my tracking drones." Bulma said happily. "And I'll check the beach!" Chi-chi reassured Master Roshi. Everyone offered to help find Turtle which warmed Master Roshi's heart. "Thank you, I really mean it, together we can find Turtle." After breakfast everyone split up in teams. Chi-chi and Bulma would go to the beaches. Chi-chi would look around on foot, while Bulma would use drones. Master Roshi and Launch stayed at the island to see if Turtle would pop back up. Leaving Videl and you to search around the near area. Only one problem stood in the way, Videl can't fly. "I guess you could hold onto me as I fly...." You suggested. "That's the only option I see so far" Videl didn't know how to fly Bulma's transportation yet either so you flying her was the only option. "I guess you're right." Videl said blushing. "Hold on tight." You warned Videl nodded as you picked her bridal style and she held onto your neck. "Away we go." You said as you took off as Videl let out a squeak. Flying around wasn't too bad but Videl had to take time to get used to it. "Don't drop me!" Videl screamed. "Don't worry I'm not trying to." You laughed. "Stop laughing!" Videl pouted.

After flying for a bit, you guys land in a woodland area. Your phone starts to ring. "Hello." You said upon answering your phone. "Any signs of Turtle yet?" You hear Bulma ask. "Nope, nothing yet. Did you guys find anything yet?" You asked Bulma. "Well Chi-chi and I did get a lead from a lifeguard." They saw three people with a turtle not too long ago. Unfortunately we searched around and had no luck in finding them or anymore clues." Bulma said sadly. "Thanks for the tip Bulma. I'm going go search now, good luck!" You said about to hang up your phone. "Good luck!" Bulma said back before hanging up.

"Videl, we have lead. Three people had turtle not to long ago." You informed Videl. "Should make things a little easier..." Videl commented. Looking around for a little bit, both of you had no luck spotting Turtle. "I don't see him....." Videl said sadly. "Same here." You replied. Videl took this opportunity to talk to you. "Sooo Y/n have you ever thought about a girlfriend?" Videl's question made you choke. "Well I mean no, not really." You said embarrassed. "The thought never really crossed my mind." You admitted. "So what would you think about having a girlfriend?" Videl said getting closer to you. "Well uh I mean, I never had a girlfriend so I don't I'll-" you quickly stop talking when you heard a familiar voice. "Let me go please!" The voice pleaded. You looked a Videl who seemed to have heard as well. "That's Turtle!" Videl said forgetting the subject. After peeking over a tree, you two find the culprits. It's was three people who had him. With one of them holding Turtle, carrying him to who knows where. Two them were male and one was a female. One the males looked like worked out every part of his body. He had messy, spiked up, sliver hair. He kept a still face. The other guy was smaller then the other guy. He slicked down hair brown with a streak of hair down the side of his nose. He didn't seem that interested in the Turtle's pleads. The girl had long violet hair with glasses. She and the streak hair guy stood about the same height. "Please I beg you, if you let me go I'll-" Turtle was interrupted by the streak hair guy. "Will you stop your constant whining!" He said angrily. "I have no need for a reward, your DNA will suffice for a reward." The guy finished. Turtle was shaking in the big guys arms. "Don't hurt me!" Turtle cried. Videl was angry at the way they treated Turtle, but she was powerless to do anything. "What should we do Y/n?" You starred at Videl. "I was thinking about it..... and the only way to get Turtle back is through a fight...." You told Videl. She was about to try but you already left your cover to confront the kidnappers. "Please be safe Y/n....." Was all Videl could say.

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