Chapter 29: A race against the clock!

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When you face the other side you see that Igtel was gone! "Where did he go!?" You said surprised until you looked up to see Igtel flying up the tower!?

"Wait! Igtel can fly!?" Videl yelled surprised. "I thought he was a normal human! Not another Android!"

You looked back to tower, hoping to find an entrance. "Why isn't there an entrance?" You wondered.
Master Roshi took this as opportunity to explain.

"Well actually the only to get to the top is by going up..." Master Roshi explained as you slowly turned your head to him.

"Don't you think that would be something important to tell me before we got here!" You said annoyed.
"Must have slipped my mind." Master Roshi explained.
"So how am I going to get up the tower?" You asked.

"That's an easy one!" Master Roshi said as he buffed up to his max form.
"Hold on tight everyone!" Master Roshi yelled as he picked you up and held you up with one of his big arms.

"I'm getting real tried of people picking me up without warning me!" You yelled.

Master Roshi grabbed Bulma with his other arm. "....No funny business!" Bulma blurted out.
Videl and Chi-Chi climbed onto Master Roshi's back and held on tight.

Master Roshi kept a straight face but on the inside he was giddy as a school girl with all the girls on him.

"Bliss~" Master Roshi thought as he started to climb the tower, being careful not to harm any of you.

"Uh, is it me or is Master Roshi unusual happy?" You asked the girls.
Bulma and Chi-Chi gave each other an annoyed look, knowing what Master Roshi was thinking of.

"Pervert......" They both replied with a small blush.

Igtel was calmly floating up to the top of the tower. Normally this would take at least a few days for a normal human to climb this tower but Igtel wasn't a normal human.

"I wonder what mysteries this tower holds." Igtel thought as he continued to float up. Igtel continued to go with a calmly pace until a noise broke him out of his train of thought.

"What's that noise?" Igtel thought as the noise grew louder with each passing second. Igtel looked down at the tower. "What!?" Igtel shouted.
"I thought Strome was dealing with them! Tch! No matter I'll deal with them soon enough." Igtel said as he flew off with increased speed to the top of the tower.

Master Roshi was climbing fast up the tower. "How long is this tower?" You asked Master Roshi.

Master Roshi didn't answer you as he was lost in his own train of thought as he continued to climb.

"Nevermind." You commented as you looked up to see all the ground you guys had yet to cover.

Meanwhile Knight was busy fighting Strome.

"Come on big guy! You'll have to try harder then that!" Knight shouted as he dodged another attack from Strome.

"Do you ever shut up!?" Strome asked getting annoyed by Knight's unusual behavior. "Only when I get serious!" Knight replied kicking Strome in his gut. Strome retaliated by grabbing Knight's leg and upper cutting him.

A loud crack could be heard as Knight fell on the ground with a crash.
Knight raised his head back up to reveal giant crack in Knight's head.

"If you didn't talk so much, you might have saw that atta-" Strome was cut off by Knight as he jabbed Strome in his face and kicked him the stomach.

Strome flew back a few feet as regained his footing.

"And you might have dodged that if you weren't so busy monologuing. Knight shot back with a more serious voice.

".... Something is different about you..." Strome concluded as he observed Knight's more battle ready posture.

"You're right about that." Knight replied as he struck Strome on his left side.
"Looks like I'll have to start fighting using some of my power." Strome said to Knight as he striked Knight.

Both machines started to trade blows. Both trying to gain the upper hand in the battle.

Due to being stuck in such a bliss mindset, Master Roshi was starting to reach the top the tower. You stared amazed how fast Master Roshi was climbing. "I can see the top!" You shouted as you looked at the girls. "But I can't see the bottom!" Videl squeaked.

Master Roshi heaved up as he landed on the top of the tower.

"Korin? Are you here?" Master Roshi asked snapping out of his dream state.

Nobody answered. Everyone hopped off Master Roshi as he shrinked backed to his normal size.
You careful landed on the ground not trying to hurt yourself anymore then you were.

"This place is amazing!" Bulma shouted as she looked around in the dome.

Suddenly a cry for help was heard. "Help me!" A shout came from down stairs.

Everyone rushed down the stairs through the door find a short plump man being held hostage by Violet.

"Geez lady! Take it easy! I've already told you what you want to know!" The short guy shouted.
"I know but we're waiting for some of our new friends." Violet replied.
"Oh look at that! They're here. Igtel our guests are here!"

You looked past Violet to see Igtel standing with... A humanoid cat?

"It took you long enough." Igtel said to all of you. "Unfortunately for all of you, I've been informed about your secret to healing. " Igtel raised his hand to show a single senzu between his index finger and thumb.

"So this is a Senzu bean?" Igtel said with a smirk. "This could actually be useful to me." You gritted your teeth at Igtel. Knowing that he now has all the cards playing in his favor.

"If only I could get a senzu bean...." You thought as you looked at Igtel still trying to think of a plan.

What happened next surprised you.
Igtel flicked the senzu at you.
"Huh?" You said surprised as you caught the bean.

"Eat it." Igtel instructed. "I need you at your full power.

You were at a loss for words as you nodded and ate the senzu bean. You couldn't believe Igtel just gave you a senzu bean even after finding out it's healing properties!

Energy rushed through your body as you felt renewed strength course through you. You burst out of your cast as you know stood on your formal broken leg.

"Why did you do that?" You asked Igtel.
"What? Isn't it obviously?" Igtel replied. "I need you at your full strength so I record your new found power, it's a small price to pay for one little bean." Igtel reasoned.

You stared at Igtel to make sure he didn't pull anything funny.
"It's not like you can do anything about it. I still have Korin as a hostage."

Igtel was right. He still had a few cards in play he could use against you.
"Fine." You said with sigh. "Who am I fighting?" You asked.
"Violet, would you care to do the honer?" Igtel asked.
"Gladly!" Violet exclaimed.

Everyone headed up the top of the tower. Igtel explained what to do to Violet and you.
"To avoid any unnecessary accidents. I want both of you to fight in the air."
Violet nodded as you continued to glare at Igtel.
"You should point your gaze at your current opponent." Igtel said to you.
Making you more annoyed at Igtel.

"So I'm ready to start when you are!" Violet yelled as she flew into the air.
You took a battle stance before preparing to take off.

"I need to be careful around Violet. I don't know what she's capable of." You thought to yourself.

(Another chapter down! I have special treat for everyone for the 30th chapter. I'm going to put it to a vote in the comment section, to see who you guys want to see fight first. Strome vs Knight! Or Y/n vs Violet? I'll tell everyone when the poll is closed by updating this chapter. Thanks again for reading!)

(The results are in! Violet and Y/n will duke it out first!)

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