Chapter 22 The Tournament heats up! part 3

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Chi-chi was still in shock about her opponent. "Chi-chi...." You said grabbing her attention. "No!" She said knowing what you were going to say. "But Chi-chi, Blue Mask will kill you! You saw what he did to Strome." You reasoned. Chi-chi clenched her fists. "I know I'm not stronger than you..... but I can't just give up now.... I won't stand by and be another bystander.... I'm fighting Blue Mask with or without your support!" Chi-chi said determined. Chi-chi was waiting for a response from you, only to receive a hug instead. "I admire your courage and if I can't talk you out of fighting. I'll give you my full support instead!" You told Chi-chi. If you looked at Chi-chi you could probably could have seen her be on the verge of tears. Chi-chi quickly hid her tears of happiness from you. "Thank you Y/n." Chi-chi said smiling. The announcer appeared on t.v. catching both your attention. "Alrighty folks the semi-finals begins now. Please watch the broad to see who fights first. The broad swapped through the names to see who goes first. "Please let me go first!" You thought. The names slowed down and stopped with Knight Vs Y/n. "Yes!" You thought. The announcer appeared again. "The mighty Knight versus The amazing Y/n. Who will win? Who will prevail? Find out soon folks!" The announcer said as the screen went to the arena, waiting for the competitors. "Guess that's my cue to go!" You said leaving Chi-chi. "Y/n wait!" Chi-chi said grabbing your attention. "Yeah?" You said turning to Chi-chi. Chi-chi gave you a peck on the cheek. "For good luck." Chi-chi explained. "Show that tin can who's boss!" You blushed and then laughed. "You can count on that!" You said avoiding any awkwardness. With that being said and done you left to face Knight. "I hope I didn't go too far....." Chi-chi thought. "I'm so confused with my feelings."

Upon arriving at the arena you see knight doing some kind of workout routine. "What the heck...." You said upon seeing knight's act. "One, two and three!" Knight said as he did jumping Jack's up and down the arena. "Please stop...." The announcer groaned. "Sorry but I can't stop now! Not until my opponent gets here." Knight replied. "But he's here now." The announcer said pointing at you. "Oh..... it seems he is.... in that case let's prepare for battle!" Knight said taking a funny battle pose. ".... Knight.... The battle hasn't started yet." You told Knight as you entered the arena. "Oh, right." Knight said as he got out of his pose. The announcer stood between both you. "Now without anymore insanity.... let the battle begin!" The announcer said as waved his hand down.

"No hard feelings knight!" You said as ypu kicked knight. "None taken!" Knight answered as he blocked your attack. You jabbed at Knight a few times only for him to block each attack. Knight was a fierce opponent. Each attack you dealt Knight blocked it perfectly. "How can I pierce through his defenses?" You thought to yourself. Knight suddenly stood up straight and squatted down. "Is he going to attack?" You wondered. The answer soon became clear when Knight jumped on you. "Holy crap! You weigh a ton!" You yelled as you tossed Knight off you. "Hey! you managed pick me up!" Knight complimented. "What the heck is wrong with Knight?" You thought. "He acted normal when we met." Upon inspecting Knight closely you see his head jerk to side a bit. Knight then stood back up and got in serious fighting position. You see Knight charge at you just in time to block his attack. "Excellent job at blocking." Knight complimented you in a serious voice. A thought occurred to you. Knight's voice switched from goofy to serious. "What's happening to Knight..... I have to test something." You thought as you continued to block Knight's attacks. A big mistake on your part because while you couldn't break through Knight's guard. Knight had no problem breaking through yours. "Ahh!" You yelled as Knight rammed his fist in your chest. Knight's attack were stronger and faster than your basic attacks. "I can't keep this up much longer!" You thought as Knight struck your side. "Gaahh!" You yelled as you held your side. "Come on just a little more!" You told yourself. Knight's barrage of attacks forced you to dodge rather than go in defense. "At least I have the speed advantage." You thought as you looked at Knight. The moment you were waiting for happened. Knight's head jerked to the side again. "Wahoo!" Knight yelled as he vanished in front of you. Knight attacked you with a kick. Blocking the kick was easy due to Knight's decreased strength. "My theory is correct!" You thought. "Knight's silly persona is weaker than his serious one! That means I have a better chance to win if I fight his silly side." You decide attacking Knight now is your best option. Despite being weakened due to personality switch, Knight was still able to rival you in strength. Both of you vanished around the Arena throwing punches, jabs and kicks at each other. This would have been ok, if you weren't the only one tiring out. Knight seemed unfazed by your attacks and only seemed to enjoy it. "Wow! This is fun!" Knight said to you. "Now let's continue" You created some distance from Knight before he approached you. "How..... Are you not tired?" You breathed. Knight gave you a childish laugh. "Oh that's simple!" Knight said opening his helmet's front. His head only contained a exoskeleton and wires. "Taada! I'm an android!" Now you understood why Knight wasn't tiring out. "Another Android!?" You shouted in your mind. "How many are there exactly!?" A thought suddenly hit you. "How much longer do I have until he reverts back to his serious mode? I can't waste this opportunity." You looked at Knight playfully poking his exoskeleton. "Sorry..... I didn't want to have do this but I have no choice.... I have to power up." You said to yourself. "Knight!" You yelled. "Yeeees?" Knight replied. "Don't hold back on me! Give it all you got!" You warned Knight. "If your so sure." Knight replied. You take a stance and charge your energy. "Aaaaahhhhh!" You yelled charging your energy. After charging you stare at Knight. "This is my charged form." You explained. " Prepare yourself!" Knight didn't seem impressed. "Hey I can do that to!" Knight shouted. You look on in amazement as Knight charged up. Knight's body whirled to life as his body glowed with a red aura. "Tadaa! Introducing my charge form." Knight said showing off. "....Crap, I didn't know he could do that..... Why didn't I think he could do that!" You mentally shouted in your head. "Guess I need to learn from my mistakes....." You admitted to yourself. "Bring it on Knight!" You said charging at Knight. Both you clashed head on, causing shockwaves through the crowd. Even the announcer had to take some cover. Knight seemed to be on par with your charged form. "This isn't good. Even if Knight and I are equal in power.....I'll eventually tire out." Knight and You clashed again around the arena. "I have to surprise him." You thought and than I ideas popped into your head. "Thats it! I'll use Destruction cut! But I'll have to wait for Knight to clash with me again.... I can't mess this up I only have one shot!" Knight surprisingly kept his distances. Unknown to you, Knight had surprise of his own for you. "Hehe Hey Y/n!" Knight shouted. "Yeah!" You replied as Knight stuck his arms out. "Surpise!" Knight yelled as his hands collapsed into two cannon like guns. "What the....." was all you could say as Knight shot energy bullet like projectiles at you. "Woah!" You yelled as you tried to dodge every blast shot at you. Unfortunately for you even in his goofy form Knight was someone not to underestimate. A few shots hit your side. "Arrrgghh!" You yelled as you held your side. "Damn it! Knight really is backing up in a corner!" Deciding the best course of action was to fire back. You blast ki blasts back at Knight. Canceling his attacks. "I just need to get close!" You thought as you returned fire. While blasting to counter Knight's attack, you walked closer to Knight. "I may have to take a few more hits..." You said bracing yourself. You pull your right arm to your shoulder and charge your destruction cut. While using your left hand to fend off as many shots you can. "Big mistake!" Knight commented as he continued to blast. A few more shots managed to get passed your blasts and pelted your body. "....Just.... a little more...." Knight saw your energy being built up and charged his own attack. "I don't think so!" Knight sung as he charged his own attack. "Come on just a little more!" You told yourself. "Taste my twin blaster!" Knight shouted as unleashed his attack. You grinned at him. "Perfect he took the bait!" You thought as you vanished behind Knight. "What!" Knight said surprised upon seeing you vanishing behind him. "No fair, that's cheating!" Knight complained as you hit with your attack. "Destruction cut!" You yelled sending the slice through Knight's body. "Curse you!" Knight yelled as his body was blasted away.

The dust took a few minutes to clear as everyone looked on in awe upon seeing you still standing and Knight face down on the ground with a huge gash in his back. Everyone could see electricity spark from the gash. "Did I.... win?" You managed to say. Holding your side again you look over at Knight. He was laid out and not moving. "I guess that's it then." You mumbled as the announcer jumped into the arena. "There you have it folks! The W-" the announcer stopped upon looking towards Knight. Knight was standing up again. Knight then towards you. The announcer took this as a note to leave the arena again. "I've got to hand to you." Knight said seriously. "You did quite the number on my body. It's unfortunate that wasn't enough to take me down..... Because now...." Knight said as his hand changed into a long blade. "The real battle begins!" Knight shouted as he charged you. "Oh no this isn't good." You thought. "Knight is not only able to still move. But his personality switched back to serious! If I don't do something soon..... I'll be sliced into mince meat!" You prepare an attack as Knight approaches.

(Knight is still able move and Y/n is injured. Will our hero prevail? Or will he fall to Knight's hand? Find out next time on the thrilling conclusion on the next part.)

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