1- Meeting you

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The autumn night wind glided it's fingers through my hair as I stared outside my ajar bedroom window. My mother died a month ago, leaving me to my aunt halfway across the country. I never was close to my mother she was a heroin addict. Instead of bedtime stories and stuff animals, I got bloody needles and a neglecting mother. So it didn't bother me much when they found her dead in an alley way. But the worse part was after her death. Everyone would stare at me with eyes overflowed with pity and mouths filled with "I'm sorry"s, like I was a wounded animal.

"Come on (Y/n), go to bed you have school tomorrow." My aunt said snapping me away from my thoughts while standing in the doorway. Her icy blue eyes burning into my back. I knew I was just a burden to her, another mess her sister left behind that she has to clean up. She flipped off the light before I could respond. I trudged to my bed letting sleep take me in its withering arms.

As I walked onto the campus I was greeted with huge cameras shoved in news reporters faces as they talked about some girl. Curiosity got the better of me so I walked up to a random boy and asked what's going on.

"Oh, you haven't heard Casey Becker and Steve Orth were murdered last night"

"Wow, best first day of school ever." I sadistically chuckled.

"Oh yeah, you must be new. I'm Billy" He smiled.

"I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you" I gave Billy a sarcastic curtsey. He smiled, in returning giving a bow. As I was distracted by Billy's chivalrous act, a boy came up behind Billy jumping on him.

"What the fuck dude." Billy smiled as he pushed the boy off. "(Y/n), this is Stu. Stu, this is (Y/n)."

"Hey," I waved.

"Hi" Stu gave a wide smile then turning his attention back to Billy. "So, You're still up for the party on Friday at my house?"

"Yeah, (Y/n), want to come to?" He asked turning towards me.

"Um, sure if Stu's alright with it." I told Billy not wanting to intrude considering I just met them.

"Of course. it's on Friday at eight, ask Billy for directions and bring drinks." Stu said while turning around to walk to class. Billy and I followed.

"So do you like movies?" Billy asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Oh yeah, I love them. My favorite is Nightmare on Elms street." I said while pulling my school schedule out of my back pocket.

"I'm more of a Halloween type of guy." He said looking at me through his bang covered eyes.

"Really? I pictured you as a Friday the 13th junkie." I said as I looked down at my paper. "looks like this is my stop" I said pointing to a nearby door that read one-twenty.

"Well, I'll see you around." he said, I nodded.

When it came to my last class, art, I saw Billy. "You just can't stay away from me. can you?" I laughed while jokingly tapping his chest with a dry paint brush.

"I guess I can't" He smiled. "So what are you doing for your assigned painting project?"

"No way am I telling you. You'll probably steal my idea." I said as he walked to the canvas closest to the window. I followed.

"Oh really? You're going to play that game. fine, mines going to be better anyways." He smirked turning back toward his canvas.

"pfft, we'll see." By the end of class I was halfway done with my painting of a little girl sitting on a swing as something lurks in the background.

I glance over at Billy's painting, it's of a flower with drops of blood tainting it's pure white petals.

"Not to bad, Picasso." I say impressed.

"Right back at you, Da Vinci." He playfully elbowed my side. My stomach twisted in a knot at his touch.

I walked home from school with the occasional crunch of leaves underneath my feet and the thought of Billy in my head.

I decide to visit the video store in town. I levitated to the horror section, scanning all the shelfs, I settled for Halloween remembering that it's Billy's favorite movie.

"So I see you finally came to your senses and developed good movie tastes." A cocky voice said behind me.

"God Billy, you're so annoying." I laughed, instantly recognizing the voice before I turned around. I noticed Stu and two other girls were standing behind him.

"Oh, this is Tatum and my girlfriend Sidney." Billy said. My heart dropped at girlfriend.

"Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/n)." I said while forcing a smile, the two girls waved in return. "Well, I got to go. My aunt will rip my head off if I'm home late."

"Really? We just got here." Billy complained.

"Sorry I really got to get home." A image of my aunt grabbing my wrists and throwing my into my room flashed in my head and left a bitter taste on my tongue. I rented the movie and walked out. I stared down at my feet as I continued to walk. I didn't know Billy had a girlfriend and why am I so upset about that? It's not like I have the right, he's allowed to date whomever.

I cooked dinner making sure it was done before my aunt came home.I stared down at the bruises on my wrist from the other day. Once I eat and set food aside for my aunt I walked up stairs. I sat at the windowsill watching the empty street. I drifted off into slumber.

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