24- Going somewhere safe (Final)

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"Stay here while I clean up" Billy told me as I sat on the living room couch. His hands cupped my cheeks as he kissed my forehead. He stood up from besides me and started walking towards the stairs. I grabbed his wrist, he looked back at me. "(Y/n), you know I need to do this otherwise his corpse will stink up this house." I frowned. His gave me a small smile and caressed my face. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch, but stirred when he removed his hand. I watched him leave the room.

I laid on my side with a blanket draped over me, half of it rested on the floor but I didn't bother adjusting it. Shuffling coming from upstairs could be heard.

Growing bored, my eyes scanned the room, landing on the black screen belonging to the television. My reflection stared back at me, my attention was drawn to the purple bruises in the size of two big hands creeping up my neck. I slowly trailed my fingertips up to my throat. It's like I could still feel those hands crushing my throat.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I saw Billy dragging a rolled up carpet down the stairs with a foot peeking out.

"I'll be gone for a little bit, I need to get rid of this." Without another word, he was gone.

I turned on the television flipping through channels. A car crash with a news reporter in front of it caught my attention.

"-Police say there were three casualties, an elderly couple and a middle aged male. The daughter of the couple has told police that her seventeen year old niece was under their care at the time. A third person's blood has been found inside the elderly couple's car. It is believed the blood belongs to the niece, (Y/n), However her body can not be found." A picture of me appeared on the screen "If you know anything about the whereabouts of this young girl please contact the number on your screen, the authorities greatly appreciate it. Keep watching for more updates on the current investigation-" I turned it off.

"Shit" I said to myself. My hands trembled, I started chewing the inside of my cheek. A metallic taste filled my mouth.

The front door opened, Billy walked in wiping sweat off his forehead. "What's wrong?" He asked with a frown when he saw my shocked face.

"P-p..." I tried to say but my throat didn't allow it.

"Here." He handed me a notepad along with a pen.

I quickly scribbled down what I wanted to say, once done I turned the paper to face him. "People are looking for me, I'm filed as a missing person. We have to go to the police to clear things up."

"No, they'll take you away from me." He said rushing to me reaching for my hand.

"But, What about my aunt?" I wrote

"She doesn't care about you. Remember she sent you out of town! They're just trying to take you away from me!" He raised his voice and squeezed my hand.

I squeaked from the pain.

He released his grip, realizing what he's done. "I'm so sorry." He hugged me. "I got carried away. I just got you back, I can't lose you again."

I forced a smile and nodded.

"You see, if we go to the police they'll see your neck and then we'll have to explain to them how we killed my father."

"Can't we just wait until I get better." I jotted down.

"No, You're not getting it. We can never go."

My face dropped.

"I decided we're moving."

I jumped upright and scribble in big letters "Why?" With a crease between my eyebrows.

"It's not safe for us here."

My mouth was plastered into a frown.

"Please, (Y/n) I'm doing this for us." He pleaded. "Imagine, we can have a brand new start somewhere else and put all of this behind up."

I sighed. I'm sick of all this bloodshed and paranoia. I nodded and he gave me a soft kiss. He wrapped me in a blanket and carried me in to his truck. He went back inside and came back with two suitcases and a backpack. I stared out the window, but then felt a hand on my thigh.

"This is for the best." He kissed my cheek then turned back to the road and started to drive.


So this is the last chapter. Thanks everyone who commented, voted, and read all the way up to here. It means a lot. I hope you enjoyed the story!

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