23-Protect me

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Trigger Warning: sexual assault in this chapter

I giggled as Billy kissed my neck continuously, I try to squirm away but he held me close to his chest as we laid on the couch.

    "Billy, stop I'm trying to watch the movie." I whined as I tried to push him away but my back stayed pressed to his chest. His hands crept up my shirt.

    "Oh? you're not wearing a bra?" He whispered in my ear as his hand slithered further up my chest.

    My face was beet red. "Billy stop!" I said flustered covering my face.

    "Let me see the cute face of yours."

    "No! Stop it!" I yelled trying to suppress a smile.

    "Okay." He let go. I sighed in relief and adjusted my focus back to the television. Suddenly, I felt Billy tickling my sides. I screamed and trashed around while laughing. I was flaying around so much, I fell off the couch onto the floor hitting my bad leg on the small table. I yelped in pain. Billy's smile shifted into a sober expression as he rushed to my side.

    "Are you okay?"

    I nodded and tried to stand up but my knee throbbed. I hissed through gritted teeth. "Billy, it really hurts."

    He carried me upstairs and onto his bed. He applied ice packs to my knee and sat behind me to rub my back. I instantly relaxed under his touch and leaned back, forgetting the pain I was in.

    SLAM! We jolted up from the bed when we heard A loud sound coming from downstairs.

    "Billy!" A deep voice shouted.

    "Shit. It's my dad. Stay here no matter what." Billy told me as he climb off the bed from behind me. He looked nervous, I frowned when he walked out the door. I limbed out of bed and to the top of the staircase. I peeked behind the corner and saw Billy's dad arguing with Billy.

    "You God damn lazy ass brat. How many times did I tell you to fix this shit?" His dad huffed whiling pointing to the flickering lamp with his beer bottle in hand.

    "I'll fix it now." Billy said plainly.

    "You better. This is why your bitch of a mother left."

    "Don't talk about mom like that" Billy tensed up.

    SMACK! Billy's head got thrown back at contact with his dad's open palm. I gasped and covered my mouth.

    "Don't tell me what I can and can't say!" He walked towards the television and bent down and picked up a tool box. "Get to work." He threw the metal box at Billy, luckily he caught it.

    Billy's dad turned his back on Billy and started walking towards the stairs. I quickly yanked my head back and limped towards Billy's room. As I was closing the door to his room a hand grabbed it, prying it open. I gasped as I came face to face with Billy's dad.

    "What do we have here?" He smiled. I took a step back. He took a step forwards. "I see Billy brought his fuck doll into my house." He shut the door and stepped closer until his hand held a firm grip on my upper arm. He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "What Billy doesn't understand is everything under this roof belongs to me." His gripped tighten

    "Help!" I tried to yell for Billy but my mouth was covered with a hand that smelled of alcohol. My hands grew clammy as fear infested my body. He snaked his hand up my shirt and cupped my breast. I yelped and and grabbed his arm trying to pull him away from me. He quickly tore my shirt off and returned his filthy hand onto my mouth. Panicking, I thrashed around, using whatever strength I had in my fragile figure to push him away. He slammed me against the bare wall and latched onto my wrists pining me down. "Billy Help!" I tried to scream.

    Billy's dad huffed and grabbed my throat. I clawed at his callous covered hand while desperately trying to obtain oxygen. His strong grip remained. I abandoned prying his hands off of me and went straight for his face. My hands scratch and pushed his face away. His free hand ventured into my shorts. I screamed. I felt one of my thumbs hook onto his eye socket and I pushed down, harder and harder. He yelled in agony. I closed my eyes and turned to the side as blood sprayed onto my face. His grip on my neck was released. I gasp as air quickly filled my lungs. I slid down the wall and onto the wooded floor.

    "You fucking bitch!"  Billy's father towered over me clutching the left side of his face. When he moved his hand I saw his eye popped out of its socket dangling by a small string. I cringed at the gory sight.

    "Look what you did!" He shouted. He then threw himself on top of me and raised his fist then thrusted it forward. I screamed as he repeatedly punched my face.

    "Billy!" I managed to screech out. Thundering footsteps coming up the stairs could be heard. Billy threw the door open. His father clutched my throat shifting all his weight onto my neck. My eyes bulged as I felt my throat being crushed.

    "Don't fucking touch her!" I heard Billy scream. Right when my vision started to fade

Billy tackled his father causing him to fall off of me. I gasped for air. I then coughed using my hand to cover my mouth, I pulled it back shocked to see blood splattered on my hand.

    "You fucking bastard! I always put up with your shit but this time you crossed the fucking line!"Billy's yelling pulled my attention back to the gory scene. Billy was cover in his fathers blood as he continued to punch the shit out of him. Billy's father's eye swung back and forth until one last punch sent it bouncing onto the floor and rolled right in front of my foot i jumped and kicked it across the room. I then heard banging, I whipped my head towards Billy and his father and saw Billy slamming his father's head against the wall. Eventually his father stopped fighting back and went limp, sliding down the wall. His face leaving a long smear of blood along the wall.

    I whimpered at the bloody scene. Billy rushed towards me grabbing a blanket from the nearby bed and wrapping my shivering body in it.

    "Did he touch you?" He asked cupping my cheek. I looked away and nodded. Billy gritted his teeth while frowning his eyebrows. "I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner." He held my blood stained hand.

    "Itt..s-okk-ay" I tried to speak but my damaged throat prevented me.

    "Look at all these bruises." Billy said to himself. "I shouldn't have left you alone. It's all my fault."

    I frowned my eyebrows. I so desperately want to tell him he's not the one to blame, but my voice didn't allow it. Instead I scooted closer to him and took his arms and placed them around me. I looked up at him, he looked at me shocked. I nuzzled my face into his chest.

    "Does this mean you don't hate me?"

    I nodded.


I made this chapter pretty long just cause I feel guilty about slacking on updating regularly.

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