11- Things are Getting Bloody

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"Fuck" Billy mumble as Sidney stood shaking in the doorway of the kitchen pointing at Randy's almost unrecognizable corpse. Billy instantly reacted, he ran towards Sidney covering her mouth and hooking his arm around her neck.

"Hey Billy, I took care of the others-" Stu stopped himself when he saw the bloody scene as he walked inside the kitchen. He smiled "I'm so glad you were able to join the party!" Stu said instantly grinning and walking towards Sidney.

"You're fucking sick!" Sidney spit at Stu.

"Now, now Sid let's be nice here." Billy said pressing a sharp knife to her cheek.

"You were the ones who killed Steve and Casey weren't you." She hissed.

"Bingo" I said smiling while crossing my arms.

"Steve and Casey weren't the only ones, think back to a year ago." Billy smirked letting Sidney go and pushing her forward so she was cornered by the three of us.

Her face went white. "No...".

Billy just smiled "That women was a skank. She slept with my son of a bitch dad making my mom leave his ass!" Billy shouted in anger. I had no clue what they were taking about. I knew Billy's mom left because of his dad's affair, but how did that tie in to Sidney?

"You killed my mom you psycho!" Sidney screamed. Everything made sense now.

"Aww Sidney, we all go a little mad sometimes." Billy chuckled.

"What do you plan on doing once the cops get here and everyone is stabbed to death except you guys?" Sidney smirked thinking she got Billy. Oh shit I didn't think of that. Is this where we're going to get caught? We're going to jail-

"Well notice how your dad has been out of town for so long?" Billy asked Sidney as he walked over to a locked closet. He pulled out the key and said "How does this story sound: Man goes crazy on the anniversary of his wife's death resulting in a mass killing spree, leaving only three survivors" He pointed to Stu, me, and himself. "And who's gonna believe a old man over three witnesses?" Billy pulled a man with duck tape around his mouth and his arms tied up out of the closet.

"Dad!" Sidney screamed as her face went white. She tried to run towards him but Stu blocked her way. Sidney dad's eyes looked tear stained as he was trying to scream through the restriction over his mouth.

As Stu was taunting her I heard the front door squeak open. tearing my attention away from the scene. No one else seem noticed the disturbance so I crept into the living room. Bloody corpses laid there some I vaguely recognize. I suppose this is Stu's work.

I stepped over a limp blonde girl trying to get a better look at the source of the sound. It was some woman that I recognized, I think she was a news reporter. Her clothing was all torn up and her hair was a mess, she looked like she seen hell.

While Stu and Billy were busy she was creeping up behind Billy with what looked like a empty beer bottle raised above her head. Once the realization of what she was doing hit, adrenaline filled my body I screamed Billy's name and sprinted toward the woman while tumbling over bodies. Before she could react, I tackled her. I grabbed her hair while I punched her in the face with my other hand. She grunted and shoved me off of her and aimed the beer bottle at my right cheek, I quickly put my hand up blocking the blow. Glass shattered everywhere and my hand stun.

"(Y/n)!" Billy screamed grabbing the lady by her neck and raised her against the wall and pushed his knife deep into her chest and twisting it. A blood curling screaming left her body as she collapsed to the floor.

"Um.. Billy we have a problem!" Stu said nervously. Billy and I looked at him. "Sidney is gone."

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