15- Reunited

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I stared out the window into the deep woods surrounded by the dimly lit sky as the car grumbled along. It's been nine days since the party and I haven't seen Billy since. I just got released from the hospital this late afternoon, my aunt is driving us home. Since our argument she rarely talks to me. she left me stranded at the hospital. no visitors. Just nurses and doctors. I would spend my time sleeping and wandering the halls until I would get caught by the nurses and they'd escort me back to my room. It seem as though it hasn't stopped raining, the sky is constantly grey.

"(Y/n)." My aunt caught my attention, pulling me away from my thoughts. "I said we're here."

I looked around, we were parked in the drive way to the small house. I step outside the car, the breeze slapped my face as the sound of leaves scraping the asphalt could be heard. When I walked inside the house the silence was overwhelming. My aunt flipped on the lights relieving take out containers littering the counter tops. Plates and silverware crowded the sink.

I trudged upstairs towards my room. I closed and locked the door then picked up the phone and dialed Billy's house number. No answer. I tried again producing the same results. I groan and tossed the phone onto the chair and plopped on my bed. Suddenly I felt drops of water fall on the back of my neck. I looked up, surprise to see my window was open. It must have been opened for a while because everything under it was drenched. I sighed and closed the window I must've left it open, which is strange, I normally remember to close my window I shrugged it off and headed to the basement to hang everything to dry.

I walked down the steep steps into the dark basement. I fumbled around searched for the metal chain that acted as a light switch. Once found, it dimly lit the basement revealing the clothes line. I was shivering, my breathe was visible in the cold air. I draped my belonging on to the clothes line when suddenly the sound of a box being knocked over filled the air.

My breath hitched. I frantically searched for the source of the sound. My heart pounded in my chest. Who could be down here. My mind instantly jumped to the worst. Maybe it was Sidney's dad looking for revenge. No, that's not possible he's in jail right now. I then heard the sound of very light footsteps coming my way I felt around for something to protect myself with but found nothing. The sound got closer and closer I shielded my face ready to scream-


I looked down it was a cat. I sighed in relief and chuckled at my pathetic paranoid state.

"Jesus Christ you scared me little guy." I said and scratched the cat's back. He arched into my touch and stared to purr I chuckled. "How'd you get down here? huh?" I asked patting his head. I stood up and gazed around looking for a possible answer with the little amount of light I had. I felt a gust of wind and wiped my head to the source. My eyes landed on the wide open basement door that lead out to the cold dark rainy night. I shivered as the cold nipped at my bare skin, my aunt must have left the door open. I sighed and closed then locked the door.

I scooped up the cat and walked up stairs. I fixed up a bowl of chicken and milk and carried it along with the cat into my room. Then placing the bowl down on my bedroom floor the cat instantly started eating. I couldn't bring myself to leave the cat outside. I stared at it as it scarfed down it's food, he turned towards me with wide eyes, he was so skinny my whole hand could fit around his stomach. My heart melted at the sight of him, I decided to keep him. I'll have to name him. I laid on my bed with my legs in the air trying to come up with a name. He jumped up on me meowing for attention, I giggled and began rubbing his stomach. I think I'll name him Casper.

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