20- Leave me Alone

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The next morning I was sent to the grocery store with a list in hand. My grandparents and I haven't talked about what happened last night. I don't think I want to. Why would someone do that? Who would do that? I thought to myself as I continued to walk to the store.

"I will fucking find you!" Billy's last words to me echoed throughout my head. Maybe he really did find me. But he wouldn't have killed Casper, Billy knew how much it would hurt me.

He hurt me before, what makes this time any different?

When I arrived at the store I continuously tried to push thoughts of Billy out of my head as I collected items on the list, but to no avail. After I checked out I carried three bags of groceries while I walked back home as the evening sky darkened. I quickened my pace when I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I quickly glanced over my shoulder to see a hooded male figure a little bit behind me, walking slower than I was. I shivered, unable to tell whether it was from the weather or the eerie vibe. I sped up my pace and glanced back, he was gone. I jogged home reaching for the front door handle until I felt something drip on my forehead. I slowly connected my fingers and the wet substance that rated on my skin, then pulled my hand away from my face to get a good look. It was wine red. I felt another drip. I slowly looked up to see a adult size deer tied up to the front deck ceiling with it's flesh colored organs dangling from it's abdomen.

I clutched my stomach as it twisted in knots while I threw up what little food I had inside me. I wiped vomit off my face panting with wide eyes.

Frantically, I turned the door knob. It was locked. Out of panic I quickly scanned my dark surroundings until something caught my eye. Across the street was the same hooded man from early standing under a streetlight. Staring at me. I could barely make out a face, until the figure tilted his face upwards, catching the light. Billy.

"What are you doing? Come inside." Grandfather grandfathers voice was muffled my gaze remaining on the murder across the street. A hand grabbed my shoulder. I slowly turned around whilst in a daze. I look at him then the deer. He followed my stare.

"Christ Fucking Christ!" He yelled as he saw the deer and it's blood on my face. he yelled for my grandmother.

"What is it-" she saw the hellish scene on her front porch and screamed.

"Bring her inside!" My grandfather ordered.

Grandmother tried to pull me inside but I didn't budge I returned my gaze at the spot where Billy stood. My mouth slightly open as fear dispersed itself through my veins. I knew Billy all to well, the cat, the deer, it was all a warning. A warning saying "They're next".

My throat hoarse from screaming so loud, my hands are sticky with blood. I trot down the hallway to my bare room and crawled under the bed. Suddenly my left chest started hurting, I peel off my shirt to see my scar dripping a substance as thick as molasses and darker than blood. Hands engulf my body and drag me out of my hiding place, skin the same color of that substance. I try to fight back but my body betrays me and goes limp. I look up to see the owner of the hands. Billy.

Lungs tighten and sweat coating my skin greeted me as I lurch forward from the bed. I sighed, revealed it was a dream. It was just a dream. A dream.

I flop back in bed carving Billy's embrace. Is it wrong to still love him after all the things he's done to me? I buried my face into the pillow then groaned.

"Pack your things." My grandmother bursted through my door. "Your going back to Woodsboro."

"What?" I instantly sat up.

"You heard me, pack your things you're leaving in a half an hour."

"Honey, what are you doing?" My grandfather interjected from behind her.

"She's leaving. If she stays we're going to die!" She told him while waving around a folded piece of paper. "It says it all in here!" She pushes the paper in his face. "Whoever left the deer and cat on our doorstep sent this."

He hesitantly unfolds the paper. As his eyes shift from side to side while he reads, his face turns pale. He crumples up the paper "Get her out of here."


Thanks everyone for being patient with me. I had this tedious english essay for school which sucked out all my writing juices (?)

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