16- I Love You

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"I've missed you so much." He smirked and gave my ass another squeeze. I playful slapped his chest. His hand slithered up to my breasts and began to rub them. He watched my face shift to pleasure. "God I missed this." He pressed his lips to mine.

Our mouths moved in sync as he gripped my ass with one hand and played with my breasts with the other. I let out a small moan when he bit down on my lip. I pulled away in pain to see my blood smeared on Billy's lips.

He took one look at my bloody lip and growled "Fuck, that's hot." He smashed lips against mine and continued to kiss me rougher than before.

I began to ache for Billy, I needed him now. I started to roll my hips against his, I felt his hard on touching my stomach. He groaned and brought his thumb up to my swollen lips. I swirled my tongue on the tip and kissed it all while making eye contact with him. That was it for him, I sent him over the edge. he slammed me against the other side of the tub causing my boobs to bounce and my back to slam against the wall, I winced. He Then stuck a finger inside of me without warning.

"Do you like that baby?"

I moaned loudly and nodded. He shoved another finger inside of me and moved them in a scissor like motion.

"B-Billy" I gripped his hair with one hand and dug my nails into his back with the other. "Fuck just like that." I groaned and tighten my grip. I started to thrust  into Billy wanting him to go deeper. Water splashed down the sides of the tub. "Billy I-I don't know how much more I c-can take." I said while sucking in air.

"Hold it in a little longer, I not done with you yet." Billy grunted as he kissed me causing my moans to become muffled. He finally pulled his fingers out and brought them up to his tongue. "You taste so good." Billy huskily whispered to me.

His voice set waves throughout my body, I instantly melt at the sound. He pulled his fingers out of me and placed them in front of my mouth, I held on to his arm and licked my fluids off of his fingers like a lollipop. I stared into his eyes, they were filled with lust.

He threw my legs against my shoulders and lined himself up.

"Billy please be gentle." I begged him but he slowly pushed into me, he was so big no way could I take all of him in. I yelled in pain. "Ow Billy it hurts!" I griped my hands on Billy's upper arms for support.

He tangled his fingers into my hair and whispered "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry (Y/n)." He kissed my nose "I promise the pain will go away." He stroked my cheek, calming my heavy breaths.

As he was waiting for me to adjust he rested his head on my shoulder as he dusted my neck in soft kisses.

"Billy, I think I'm ready. Please go slow." I whimpered. Billy held my hand as he started to thrust into me. At first I winched whenever he'd hit my inner walls but eventually got used to it and pleasure engulf my body.

I thrusted back meeting my hips with his as water splashed around the tub.

"Ah, B-Billy, just... Like t-that." I moaned out gripped Billy's back as I felt him slam inside of me over and over again.

"F...Fuck, (Y/n), you feel so good." He groaned into my ear.

I was practically screaming as I reached my climax, my loud moans echoed throughout the bathroom. Billy soon followed, pulling out just in time and releasing onto my stomach. Billy let go of my legs and I returned them to their normal position as Billy sat in front of me.

I wiped the sperm off of my stomach with my fingers and brought them to my mouth as Billy watched me intently. I slowly licked all of Billy's sperm up.

"You taste so good." I leaned forward and purred into Billy's ear.

"Keep that up and you'll won't be able to walk for a week." He grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me up, we now stood chest to chest. "Let's get you cleaned up." He carried my into my bedroom and tossed me on the bed as I giggled. He then dried me off and help me slip on a baggy t-shirt and panties.

I curled into his chest and felt him pull me closer as he wrapped his fingers into my hair.

I fell asleep smiling.


This is my first lemon but I went all out cause my mom ain't raised no pussy.

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