13- You're not Here

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I felt something peeling my eyelid open and instantly I was bombarded with a blinding light pointed at my eye. I grunted and pulled away. I raised my arm to comfort my eyes but pain flooded up my left side.

"Don't move to much. You just got out of surgery yesterday morning." A voice said.

My brain overflowed with confusion as my eyes finally adjusted to my surroundings. I was in a hospital room. The woman that was talking was wearing blue scrubs, a nurse holding a clipboard jotting something down on it. A tube was hanging from my left side and my right hand was wrapped up "What happened?" I asked.

"Questions later, eat now." She said Waling out of the room a coming back with a blue tray. "I'm surprised your awake the doctor expected at least another day until you came to."

I poked at the food with the plastic fork provided. It didn't look too appealing. "Come on, it doesn't bite." The nurse said smiling while crossing her arms.

I lifted a spoon filled with what looks like mash potatoes up to my mouth. hesitantly I pushed it onto my tongue. It was then when I realized how hungry I was. I shoveled down the food, barely tasting it on the way down.

"I guess it's not too bad." The nurse chuckled and uncrossed her arms while I chugged down a cup of water.

"Now can you tell me what happened?" I asked.

"You came in two nights ago with a knife in you." She pointed to my left side. "Just missing your heart. You're a very lucky young lady. If the EMTs didn't come when they did, you'd be long gone by now."

"What's this?" I said while flicking the tube sticking out of my side.

"Well, the knife missed your heart but not your lung. It collapsed." She said soften her gaze "The tube is there, hooked up to a bag, drains extra fluid in your lungs."

"oh..." I said staring down.

"I'll go tell the officers outside that you're up."

"What?" I said shocked and instantly sat up.

"Honey, you don't just come in here with a knife in your chest and expect the police not to be curious. Don't worry I'll tell them to come back in an hour that way you have some time to gather your thoughts." She said turning the tv on and collecting the empty tray and clip board.

I flipped through the channels when one station caught my eye.

"Ten teens found dead last Friday at a seemly innocent house party." A man said holding a microphone to his mouth standing in front of the house where everything took place. "The massacre left only two survivors. One currently in the hospitals in critical condition and the other refusing to speak on the matter. The monster behind it all is Neil Prescott." The screen flashed a video of Sidney's dad yelling and struggling against a police officer's grip on him, walking him to a police car. "It was the anniversary of Neil's wife's death. Officers believe the grief of losing his wife drove him to take so many innocent lives including his daughter's." A picture of Sidney was shown. "Officers also believe Neil was the one who murdered two teenagers earlier this month, Steve Orth and Casey Becker-" I shut off the tv. I couldn't take it, I was dosed in guilt. Neil Prescott is innocent but because of Stu, Billy, and I, he lost everything. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Why did I listen to Billy, I let him convince me that I was a cold blooded murderer When I'm not.

How could I be so stupid I was right, Sidney was right, he was just using me. But why did he care when I got stabbed or when the lady tried to smash a bottle on my head or when Randy was kissing me? My thoughts were all over the place. I know I should hate him and be disgusted with what he's done. But I can't, I still love him. What's wrong with me?


I know it's short but I'll make a long one either tomorrow or in a couple days.

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