12- I'm hurting

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"Shit!" Billy screamed "How the fuck could you let her go!" Billy said pushing Stu out of the way to search for Sidney. "Don't just stand there!" Billy barked. Stu instantly stood up and helped look for her.

I limped towards the kitchen while holding my bloody hand. I scanned the counter for some kind of band aid, there was none. Then I remembered seeing gauze in the garage somewhere. I trudged to the closed door as the sound of Billy and Stu's frantic footsteps played in the background. I reached for the doorknob with my bloody hand and instantly regretting it as I winced at the contact.

When I stepped into the garage the coldness stun my face almost distracting me from the burning pain. I walked to the far end of the of the concrete floored room past Tatum's dangling body and to the bottom shelf, rummaging through the pile of mess for something to help the pain.

"Why?" A voice said from behind.

I stood up fast, surprised by the voice. Before turning around I grabbed the pocket knife Billy gave to me. I faced the source of the sound, It was Sidney.

"What do you mean 'why'?" I spit holding the sharp object in front of me. She held a kitchen knife pointed at me.

"Why help them? Why murder everyone? Why do all of this?" Sidney asked softening her eyes.

"Why should I tell you? You're gonna die either way." Truly I didn't know. Why was I helping Billy?

"Billy's just using you, like he did to me, like his doing Stu, and like he's going to do you." She said.

"You don't know what your talking about." I said coldly. My previous paranoia crept back into my brain.

"You know it's true." Sidney said lowering her knife.

"Shut up." I hissed, struggling to push the protruding thoughts out of my head.

"He's going to kill you. And you know that, you just don't want to believe it." She said walking closer.

"You're wrong." I balled my crimson fist while tightening my grip on the box cutter with my other hand.

"(Y/n) you can get out of this. Come with me we can call the cops and lock those bastards away forever."

"No..." I whispered. I grit me teeth in anger. Billy loves me he'll never hurt me, right? "You're wrong!" I screamed and lunged at her. I shoved the blade toward her face but she blocked it with her arm causing the razor to get stuck into her flesh.

She screamed as the pain swallowed her. "I thought you were different, but turns out you're just Billy's mindless whore!" She spat at me then pushed me off of her. I landed on my back, I wheeled as the air was knocked out of my lungs. She sat out top of me raising her knife above my chest.

"Billy!"Help!" I screamed as I used my one free hand to shove her face away. The blood on my hand transferred to her face. "Billy!" I desperately screamed.

"Don't you get it he doesn't care about you!" She said thrusting the knife downwards. I quickly move away, but not fast enough. She stab my left side nearly missing my heart. I screamed in pain tears covered my vision.

"Help." I weakly called out. Suddenly I felt the weight of Sidney's body that sat on top of me disappear. I tried to lift my head up to see what was happening but pain shot through my chest, I grunted. I heard Sidney screaming and out of the corner of my eye I saw Someone on top of Sidney repeatedly thrusting something into her stomach. I weakly lifted my arm wiping away my tears in order to see. It was Billy. He stood over Sidney's dead body and spat on it then repeatedly stomped on her skull till her brain covered the walls and her face was unrecognizable. Whimpered at the sight I turning my head away from the scene.

"(y/n)! I killed her she can't hurt you anymore" Billy said squatting down next to me. I turned toward him coughing up blood onto his shirt. He scanned my body searching for what was wrong. His eyes widen as he saw the knife sticking out of my chest "No.No.No! Don't die on me!"

"Billy come on we need to go!" Stu yelled at Billy "She's pretty much dead just leave her." Stu nagged at Billy.

"Shut the fuck up!" Billy yelled "I'm not leaving her!" Stu tried to drag Billy away but Billy anger engulfed him and he grabbed Stu by the throat and began to choke him. My eyes widen. Stu tried to pry Billy's hands from his neck but it was too late, Stu fell to the floor.

That's when my vision blurred, all I could remember was the red and blue flashing lights.


Sorry for the late update. I'm on winter break right now so I plan on writing a lot. Also I decided to make this book longer than I originally planed. 

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