14- Protecting You

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I turned to the door when I heard someone knocking.

"(Y/n)?" A man wearing a police uniform stepped in the room.

"Yes." I answered.

"Hi, I'm officer Dean and I'm here to ask you a few questions about what happened." He said dragging a chair that was resting in the corner up to my bed. He then pulled a notepad from his back pocket on to his lap. "So, start from the very beginning, from the second you stepped foot into that party to coming into the hospital."

"um, ok." I said looking away. the blankets wrapped around me started to feel suffocatingly hot and all the moisture vanished from my mouth. "Uh...Well I went to the house with my boyfriend and everything was normal-"

"Who's your boyfriend?" Officer Dean said interrupting me.

"um, Billy."

"His full name please."

"uh. Billy Loomis." My hands became sweaty. Should I tell him what really happened that night? But Billy would go to jail and he'll be mad at me. But if I do tell him then Sidney's dad will be free.

"What else happened?"

I took a deep breath "Well Stu Macher, Billy's best friend invited us. it was a pretty normal party, People were drinking, watching movies, the normal stuff." He scribbled on his notepad then looked back up at me and gave me a nod. "Well, Stu asked Tatum Riley, his girlfriend, to get more beers from the garage, so she did. It took her awhile so I went to check on her and I found her dead." I said looking away. "I didn't know what to do, I was scared. I started to search for Billy." Lie. "I should've called the cops but I panicked." Lie. "I found Billy in the kitchen I was telling him everything until Randy Meeks came in and a man followed behind him. The man started stabbing Randy over and over again." Another lie. "Billy and I started running, the man followed him and I went to the garage. I was searching for a way out when I saw Sidney Prescott." I pretended to wipe away a tear. "She had a knife and started attacking me. Saying It was my fault for Billy dumping her and how no one cared about her mother's death." He continued to jot stuff down. "I was shocked she was always really nice to everyone at school I guess she finally snapped." I was lying through my teeth everything I said was fake. I wanted to tell the officer everything how Billy set this whole thing up, how Stu brutally murdered innocent lives, how I let everything happen. But I know Billy would never forgive me.

"Please continue Miss (Y/n)." The officer insisted. I sunk my nails into my palm until a warm liquid rolled down my wrist. I shoved my hand under the sheets so the officer couldn't see. The distant sound of rain could be heard from outside.

"Sidney stabbed me right here" I pointed towards my chest. "Then someone came in and pulled Sidney off of me and started hurting her. Then Billy came to my side comforting me but then everything went blurry and all I saw was red and blue flashing lights." I bit my lip looking away.

"Don't worry Miss (Y/n) those people can't hurt you anymore." He grabbed my hand giving it a tight squeeze and smiled at me. "Your statement has been very helpful, thank you." He got up and left the room.

My heart was beating so fast. I just Lied out of my ass to a police officer. I pulled my hand from under the sheets staring down at the blood. I wiped it away with my thumb. I sighed and turned to the small widow in the hospital room. The sky was grey and rain tumbled down and exploded on the window then sliding down.


I turned to the door. It was her.

"The nurse told me that I can take you home in a couple days." My aunt said gently staring at me.

I didn't say anything. The events of last time I saw her replayed in my head. The stinging of my cheek returned.

"I know you're mad at me, I'm sorry I just lost it that night. I'm sorry."

"Why'd you come here?" I asked bluntly.

"I wanted to check on you. It was irresponsible of you to run away like that." She put her hands on her hips. "You almost got yourself killed. I don't know what I'd do if you died." She said looking at my chest.

I scoffed. "You don't actually care you just feel guilty." I calmly said staring back out the window.

"That's not true." She said harshly.

I whipped my head back around. "Oh really? All I am to you is a burden that your sister left behind. I'm just another mess you have to clean up that you sister left behind." I said clenching my fists.

She sighed. "I'm not having this argument with you." She coldly said and turned her back to walk away.


Okay I need help coming up with an ending. I already have one in mind but I don't think you'll like it cause it's really sad. So if you don't want a depressing ending drop a comment about ending suggestions.

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