21- I Needed you After all

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My face dropped. My grandmother began stuffing my belongings into a suitcase she placed on the bed. The sound of the car starting could be heard coming from the drive way. Everything felt like it was slipping from my grasp. I moved away to get a new start but now I'm being thrown back into the lion's den. I crumple to the floor, whining as my knees hit the ground. I put my hand on the cold hard wooded floor to stabilize myself but felt something. A crinkled piece of paper laid on my bedroom floor, a memory of my grandfather throwing the letter on the ground flashed through my head. I swiftly stuffed it in my pocket.

The entire car ride was dead silent. I leaned against the window as the green scenery sped by. My hands, kissed by the bitter winter winds, grew cold. In attempt to thaw my hands I put them in my pockets but stilled when I felt something. I pulled it out, it was the letter Billy sent my grandparents. I took a deep breath before I quietly unfolded the letter. The handwriting was scratchy and big. I began reading the letter.

"You stole my (Y/n) from me. Bring her back to Woodsboro or I'll gut you both like a fish and hang you're corpses on your front porch..."

I stopped reading, I couldn't finish it. Guilt pressed down on my shoulders. It was because of me Billy dragged them into this. A lump in my throat formed. I grabbed the extra fabric of my shirt and balled my fists into it. I looked out the window again. It was a long empty dirt road in the middle of a tall grass field. A figure of a car coming our way could be seen in the distance.

I looked behind me through the back window, surprised to see another car on the same lonesome road. However this car looked familiar it was a truck. It was further behind us. My stomach itched, I had a bad feeling I looked forward to see the first car getting bigger as it came closer. I glanced back at the truck.

"Grandfather, I think that car is following-" I tried to explain as I pointed to the car behind us but I was interrupted.

"You've already done enough to my family. Just shut your mouth and sit quietly." He hissed as he turned facing me ignoring the steering wheel.

"But-" I tried to protest.

"No. that's enough from you." He turning his head to face me. "(Y/n), give me one good reason I shouldn't dump you on the side of this road!" He shouted

I shrunk down into my seat. "Asshole." I mumbled.

"The fuck did you just say to-"

A loud honking noise filled the air then CRASH! everything rattled and little particles stung my arms that blocked my face. My head whipped back and forth as the car flip and landed with a loud rumble on its side. My body was thrown from side to side. I slowly opened my eyes once the car stabled I carefully opened my eyes. Everything was blurred and all I could hear was pounding inside my ears. I tried to move, I couldn't. My sides ached, I tried to crawled out the shattered window but couldn't feel my legs.

"...h...help" I tried to yell but my voice went no higher than a whisper. I looked around. The windshield was sprayed in red my arms were home to many shards of glass.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" a voice shouted. "Where the hell are you!"

"H...Here..." I attempted to shout. I here footsteps coming closer, I was then being pulled out of the car. I whimpered, it hurt to move.

"I know it hurts, just hang in there." The owner of the voice pushed away strands of hair covering my eyes. I looked up at the man who was carrying me.


"Shhh...rest for now." he kissed my forehead.

I turn my head to the side to see the car that was once in the distance now flipped over and contorted. My grandparents car was surround by glass and twisted in a grotesque manner. a limp arm dangled from the drivers side window, it's severed twin was ten feet away. I gaged at the gory scene. I buried my face in Billy's chest as he carried me to his truck. When he placed me inside the car I groaned.

"Billy, it hurts." I whimpered. I couldn't move my legs at all and glass shards pierced my body all over.

"I know. I'm going to take you home and make you all better." He kissed my forehead as his hand lingered on my cheek. I slowly relaxed into his touch and closed my eyes.


Another update coming soon.

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