6- A Mistake

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We continued to drive down the empty, woods surrounded road. Moss covered the edges of the road and colorful leaves flew in the wind. A rough hand slid up the inside of my thigh. I ripped my eyes away from the car window and onto Billy whose hand was getting dangerously higher on my thigh. He just smirked and continued to stare at the road. A evil grin spread on my face as I grabbed his crotch, Billy instantly swerved across the road. I laughed throwing my head back and covering my mouth. He parked the car getting out and going in the back seat his eyes became dark as he pulled me into the back seat with him. I instantly felt his weight pressed on top of me. My laughing stopped, seeing his lustful eyes and deadpan face.

His lips glued to mine as his hands wandered my body. He pulled off my shirt leaving me in my bra, my wet hair spilling all over the seat as I moaned at the contact of his lips against my neck. My legs hooked around his hips and my hands tangled into his hair.

    A deafening knock was heard on the door. I jumped underneath Billy.

    "Fuck." Billy whispered under his breath. My heart quicken as paranoid thoughts poured into my head. "Stay here I'll be back." Billy said kissing my cheek. He climbed out closing the door behind him. Once he left I pressed my face against the car window trying to see what was going on.

    "Do you know why I pulled you over, sir?" my eyes widened once I realized it was a cop who was talking to Billy. What if he knows what happened? What if he takes Billy away? thoughts raced through my head as I panicked. I was freaking out so much, I didn't realize Billy came back.

    "Hey, hey, I got everything under control." he put his hand on my shaking body "He just wants to check my drivers license. Everything is fine." He said walking back over. My body trembled.

    "What's wrong with the girl?" The officer asked ignoring Billy's license he asked for, looking over his shoulder and onto, my almost bare shaking chest. The cop walked closer and opened the door "Is everything all right miss?" He asked.

I nodded fidgeting with my hands. The cop looked around in the car, inspecting it.

    "If that's all can you let us go we have somewhere to be." Billy said with a hint of venom in his voice. Billy seems calm like he's down this before.

    "Miss, are you sure you're okay?" The officer asked again ignoring Billy. Shit. He knows. He's going to arrest Billy and me. We're going to get caught. A wave of fear crashed on me, I felt around under Billy's carseat as my body was a personified earth quake. My hand wrapped around a glass bottle I felt under the seat, I swung it up over my head and against his. I screamed as shards of glass flew everywhere and the cop's limp body hit the ground. and blood sprayed on my face.

    "Fuck (Y/N)." Billy said staring down at my quivering self.

    "H..He k..new" I stuttered.

    "No he didn't. I told you I had everything under control." He raised his voice.

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I cried holding my head in my hands.

    "I'm not mad, lets just clean this up." Billy said sighing.

    We both carried the body to the edge of the lake, blood from his head spread all over me. Once we got rid of him and drove the cop car into the lake and turned the GPS on it off, we walked back to our car.

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