17- Leaving

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The following week we returned to school. Whispers and eyes followed Billy and I wherever we went, along with my scar it was a constant reminder of what happened.

    Billy and I seem to be closer than ever before, we were inseparable.

    "What do you wanna do after school today?" I asked Billy as he leaned against the dark blue lockers next to mine.

    "I was thinking we could hang out at my place." He said as I grabbed my lunch from the top shelf of the locker.

    "Sure we could do that, But I need to be home by six."

    "Is the wicked witch acting up again?" He asked referring to my aunt while I shut my locker.

    "Yeah my grandparents are coming over which means I have to slave away in the kitchen." I groaned as I copied Billy's lean.

    "I never heard you talk about them before, why now all of a sudden?"

    "No clue. I think I've only seen them twice in my life, so it's really weird for them to pop up suddenly..." I trailed off as a boy whispering to a girl while staring at me caught my eye. Billy realized where I was looking and balled his fists up. "Billy, it's okay. It doesn't bother me." I said reaching for his hand. I gotten used to the gossip behind my back about that night, I've just decide to ignore it. But Billy not so much. "Seriously, Billy, I'm okay. Forget them." I said pulling his attention back to me. He nodded and we were about to head off until I was stopped.

    "Is it true?" The boy that was previously staring at me asked, now standing in front of me.

    "Excuse me?" I asked confused.

    "All the girls said you have a huge scar on your boob from Sidney's dad going psycho." He said curiously. "They said they saw it while you were changing in the locker room."

    I froze not knowing how to respond. Billy instantly stepped in front of me.

    "That's none of your fucking business." Billy said tensing up, I knew where this was going. I tried to pull Billy away but He stood in place.

    "Come on man It's just a question." The boy said and stepped closer, clearly oblivious as to what Billy was capable of.

    Billy clenched his jaw. A group of people now started surrounding us in the hallway. I quickly stepped in facing Billy and tried to calm him down.

    "Billy come on just forget about him, let's go" He refused to listen to me. I turned to the boy "Please just go." I said. He ignore me and swiftly reached towards me and yanked my low cut shirt down revealing my bra and half of the scar that poked out from the bra. I gasped and quickly adjusted my shirt.

    "So it is true!" The boy said triumphantly. I just froze in place covering my chest, completely embarrassed.

    "You fucking asshole!" I heard Billy yell from behind me. He lunged at the the helpless boy, causing them to both fall to the floor. Billy sat on top of him while throwing punches at the defenseless boy. The boy's face already swollen and dusted with blood tried to pushed Billy off of him, but failed. Student now crowded the hall, all pushing each other trying to get a view of the fight.

    I rushed to Billy desperately trying to pull him away but I was tiny compared to him, I continued to struggle and shout at Billy to stop but suddenly he shoved me to the floor without sparing me a glance. I sat there wide eyed.

    Eventually another boy came over to pull Billy off of the boy.

    Billy stood up, towering over the quivering boy and spat on him. He turned to me and grabbed my hand and pushed past everyone who either looked at him with fear or shock. He dragged me outside and pushed me into his car.

    I sat there shocked, tears began to fill my eyes. I tucked my knees into my chest, squeezing my eyes shut, I chewed the inside of my cheek to muffle the sobs.

    The car stopped, I heard the driver side door open and close then my door opened. I felt Billy's hands wrap around me, I whimpered at his touch.

    He carried me into his room and sat me on his bed.

    "(Y/n), I'm so sorry..."

    I sat staring downwards on the edge of the bed with my legs press together and my hands folded neatly on my lap.

    "Please say something." Billy begged.

    "B-Billy... You pushed me." My words trembled. Silence. "You hurt me Billy. You promised you wouldn't but you did" The silence continued I lifted my head up. He stood in front of me and reached out. I squeezed my eyes shut and pulled away expected to be hit. I waited a second, and still no impact. I slowly opened my eyes to see a heartbroken Billy.

    "You're afraid of me." He whispered.

    I turned away.

    "You are, aren't you?" His voice broke.

    I looked up at him, his sadden state broke my heart.

    "I need to go." I whispered to the floor and stood up. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. "Billy-" My voice cracked. Fear flooded me. I knew what this man could do to me.

    "You said you weren't afraid! But you lied! You said you love me. was that just another lie?!" He raised his voice, tightening his grip on my wrist.

    "Billy, please-" I sobbed and tried to pull away but failed.

    "No! I've done so much for you I killed for you. I protected you! I felt things for you that I've never felt before! And you're just going to throw that away!"

    "All you do is hurt people Billy! I don't want anymore blood on my hands." I paused and returning to my calm voice "I'm done."

    "No." He wiped his eyes. "I know I'm a bad person but I need you, I don't know what I'll do if you weren't here."


    "Please stay. I'll change. I'll be better. Just please stay." He begged  "You love me, right?"

    "I-I don't know anymore." I choked.

    "Do you regret what we did?" He said searching into my eyes.

    "I don't know." I pulled out of his grip and stepped backwards, towards the door.

    "Don't leave me please!" He crumpled to the floor and grabbed on to my legs "You can't leave me, please." His eyes overflowed with tears and his voice broken.

    I Inched towards the door while trying to break my leg free from his grasp. The scene sobered me. I loved him, I think I still do but I'm not like Billy. I can't just kill innocent people and not feel horrible about it. Being with him hurt me.

    "I'm really sorry Billy." I cupped his face with my tiny hands as he gazed into my eyes. I pressed my lips against his one last time and wiped the remaining tears from his cheeks. "I love you." I whispered to him. I pulled away and walked to the door.

    "I swear to god (Y/n)! If you leave me I will find you! I will fucking find you!" I heard him scream from his bedroom as I walked down the stairs. I squeezed my eyes shut and wiped away the tears.

    I gave one last glance to Billy's house, then started walking.


To think I was originally planning to make this book 5ish chapters is crazy. I can't believe I have 10k reads on this story already. As a heads up, this book will end in a chapter or two so be ready.

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