4- Place we don't belong

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Billy pulled up to the same spot as yesterday. I open the door and hopped out, my footsteps felt lighter. I took off my clothes as I felt rough hands brush against my bare hips and a shirtless chest pressed against my back. I looked behind me to see Billy's head resting on my shoulder. I smile as I pushed away the small strands of hair covering his eyes and kissed his cheek. I walked over to the cliff, he followed as his big hands held mine. I sat down dangling my feet off the edge of the cliff. The events of last night flooded it way into my head.

    "Last night was rough" I said while shivering as the wind engulfed my body.

    "Does your aunt normally treat you like that?" He asked turning to look at me.

    "Yeah, but I don't blame her. I'm just a responsibility she never asked for. I would hate me too"

    "Don't say that." Billy's grip tighten. "You don't deserve that, you deserve more." He paused "You manage to love someone who is unlovable. You suffer so much yet you put on a mask to hide and bottle your emotions."

    I silently stare down at the motionless water.

    "(Y/n) I love you."

    "Don't say that, you don't mean it."

    "Why don't you let yourself be happy!" His voice became louder. I pulled my hand away from his.

    "Because, I fucking hate myself! I should've killed myself self when I had the chance! But just like everything I can't even do that right!" I yelled, Instantly regretting it see the hurt cover his face.

    "I don't know what happened in your past." Billy paused looked deep into my eyes "But I'm here now and if you can't love yourself, I will." Billy pulled me into his chest. His chest falling and rising along with mine.

    "I love you so much" I sniffled out.

    "I know." His fingers gliding across my hair as he kissed my forehead.

    "Come on" I said pulling him off the edge with out warning a wicked smile spreading across my face. Once our heads emerged above the water He splashed me in the face. "Now you know how it feels" I smiled.

    I climb onto his back giggling "Are you trying to fucking drown me." Billy laughed pulling me off his back and throwing me in the air. I swam back to him, but he seemed distracted. I followed his gaze to a small cabin on the edge of the lake.

    "want to have some fun?" The same wicked smile I had before now on his face.


    "Just follow me." we swam towards the house. once we were on land the cold air hit me, I hissed. We walked to the front of the house.

    "Billy what are we doing?" I asked

    He just pressed his finger to his lips signaling for me to shut up. He Knocked on the door. No answer. Billy proceeded to pick the lock, I looked around, there were no cars in the driveway that's a good sign.

    Billy pushed the door open, the hinges creaked. I followed him inside.

I roamed around the kitchen my eyes instantly drawn to the abnormally large knife collection.

    "Uh, Billy I think who lives here is seriously fucked up"

    "No shit" I turned towards him. He was standing in front of the fridge staring inside. I stepped closer trying to get a better look.

"Holy shit" I froze. The fridge was filled with what looked like human body parts. I looked away. "That's seriously messed up." I gagged suddenly the sound of the front door opening and a gun cocking.


Be prepared the next chapter is real spicy.

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