10- Reassuring me

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After Stu left with a smile on his face I looked over to Billy, he grinned at me and wrapped his arms around my waist "Now where were we?" He smirked. I gently pushed him away.

"Billy, I'm not really in the mood right now, sorry." My suspicions of Billy were still pounding inside my head.

"Alright..." Billy said confused "After all this we'll have some fun." He said kissing my cheek and walking away.

The rest of the party I felt distant from Billy. I thought to myself, If I was just another tool for Billy to use like Stu did to Tatum, He's surely going to kill me. My hands were sweaty and i was shaky. I thought Billy loved me, he said he loved me, and now he's just going to throw me away once I served my purpose? I grabbed the kitchen counter trying to calm myself down.

"Y/n?" Someone said while resting their hand on my shoulder. I jumped. "Hey, hey, It's just me." once i collected myself I saw Randy.

"Oh, sorry. It's been a rough night." I sighed as I looked down at my shoes.

"Tell me about it."

I looked around to see if anyone would heard. lucky the party was dying down so only a hand full of people were in the television room and just me and him in the kitchen. "I feel like my boyfriend is just using me and once he's done he's going to hurt me." I said my voice a little shaky. Billy was the first boy I ever truly loved.

"Screw him, he doesn't deserve you." After Randy said that I realized talking to him wouldn't help. I turned to grab my stuff and head out. I had enough of this night. "Hey where are you going?" He asked.

"Sorry I'm really not feeling well I'm going home." I avoid eye contact, desperately trying to leave.

He gently held my arm. "Please don't go." Randy begged. "Ever since I saw you at the video store I fell in love with you, you deserve someone better than Billy."

I paused not knowing how to respond so I decide to go with whatever would get me out of here faster. "That's really sweet Randy but I really have to go." I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let go.

"(Y/n), please he doesn't deserve you. I do." He pulled me into to him and started kissing me, I tasted whiskey. I kept turning my head pleading for him to stop as a tear rolled down my face. I tried to push him away but his grip was too strong, I was squirming around trying to break free.

"What the fuck!" A familiar voice screamed. Randy was torn off of me and slammed into the stove causing the glass window on it to break.

Tears blurring my vision "Billy stop!" I ran towards him trying to pull him off of Randy.

"Don't fucking touch (Y/n)!" Billy pulled a knife out of his back pocket and started stabbing him over and over again. Randy's inners were flying all over the place. When Billy was covered in Randy's blood from head to toe that's when he stopped. He threw the knife into the sink and walked up to me my body was trembling as I covered my mouth. "I thought you be used to blood by now." He said calmly and pulled my head to his chest.

"It's not...that." I sobbed "What... R..Randy...did brought up... b..bad ...memories."

Billy just stroked my hair and whispered that it's over and that he's here.

"Billy..." I sniffled I guess now is the best time to ask him. "Are you... just using..me... like what...S..Stu... did to..T..Tatum?" I wiped my eyes, terrified of his respond.

"Why would you ask that?" He said offended He pushed me away so I was looking into his eyes."I fucking love you (Y/n), and I'll tell you everyday till you believe me." That's all I needed to here. I grabbed his neck so he was on my level and pressed my lips to his. He reached under my dress so he was grabbing my bare hip with his bloody hand and reached up to my face to cup my cheek with the other, smearing blood all over my face.

"Billy I need you now" I said panting while tugging at his jeans and rolling my hips into him, desperate for any friction.

He grabbed my hand "After we take care of everyone here" I whined at his respond "Trust me, I want to so fucking bad." He said while biting his lip.

"Then let's do it now" I moaned into his ear. Billy tensed up and grunted as my lips brushed against his ear.

"I promise, as soon as this is over with, I'll make sure you can't walk for a week."His words made me melt as he gave my ass a tight squeeze.

"Oh my God!" Billy and I turned around at the source of the shriek. It was Sidney. Her eyes darted from Randy to the blood dripping all over us. "You...You Killed R...Randy!" She yelled.


Thanks everyone for being patient with my slow uploading and for leaving comments, I always enjoy reading them. I'm planning on uploading another part later this week so look out for that.

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