22- You Hurt me, but I Still Love you

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I woken to a cold wet cloth being wiped on my face. Billy stood above me cleaning my dirt coated skin, he had bags underneath his eyes and pale skin. Streak of watered down red showed on the wet cloth he held. I looked around, I was laying on his bed back in Woodsboro. I opened my mouth to speak but Billy beat me to it.

    "You need to rest."

    "But-" My voice came out hoarse.

    "Drink some water." He handed me a glass that was previously set on the night stand.

    "Billy, we need to talk." I insisted as I propped myself up against the headboard. I contorted my face when the pain in my leg made itself evident.

    "You need to rest." He said pushing me down onto the mattress.

    I shoved his hand away. I need answers. "Why did you follow me, leave dead animals on my doorstep, and threaten to kill my grandparents?" My voice allowing me to go no higher than a whisper.

    "I'm not getting into this now." Billy said looking away.

    Anger boiled inside me "You killed my fucking cat Billy." My voice betrayed my intended angry tone.

    "I did it because I had to." He placed the cloth down and balled his fists.

    "You didn't have to murder those people, you didn't have to kill my cat, you didn't have to fuck up my life." venom soaked my words

    He jolted up from beside the bed, towering over my small frame. "Fine you want to talk about this?! You said you loved me and you left. I poured so much of me into you! And you just fucking leave like I meant nothing to you!" Spit flung from his mouth as he yelled.

    "You think our relationship was one side? I protected you from the police, I helped you get away with murder, I gave everything to you! What do you want from me?!" anger engulfed me. I continued "You always turn yourself into the victim! You promised to never hurt me yet you always do!"

    Billy sat down on the chair across the bed with his head in his hands.

    I scoffed "I wished you just left me in that car crash to die."

    He looked up from his hands "After all I've done for you, you just want to throw it all away?"

    "'All you've done for me'! Are you kidding me! All you've done was hurt me!" I shouted. He stood up, walking towards me. "Billy, I'm done playing your games. Just leave me alone!" My voice cracked.

    "Come here." He said as he stood above me with his arms out.

    "No" I sobbed. "No!No!No! That's not how it works! You don't just get away with what you did!" I threw my hands onto his chest, banging. My wails filled the room as tears dripped down my face. Billy didn't flitch. He wrapped his arms around while rubbing circles on my back. My sobs slowly faded. I grabbed onto his shirt pulling myself closer. "We're so broken." I chuckled breaking the somber mood.

    "We'll figure it out, we always do."  Billy said brushing stray strands of hair away from my face. I gave him a small smile and nuzzled my face into his chest. Billy lifted me up I winced when I bent my leg. "I'm so sorry." He kissed my cheek and placed me on his lap.

    "It's okay." I whispered as I cupped his cheek.

    "(Y/n), I know I messed up this time, I really do. I don't expect you to forgive me, just please don't leave me." He squeezed my hand. "When you left, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. All I could think about was you. Please never leave me again." His hand drifted on top on mine, resting on his face.

    My heart ached. As much as I hated to admit it, I still love him after everything thing he's done to me. "I promise." I pressed my lips against his. Billy deepened the kiss and moved his hands to my waist to hold me steady while I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Billy-" I tried to start but he continued to kiss me. I chuckled and gently pushed him away "Billy, you need to promise me something too." He nodded as his hands remained on my hips. "Never hurt or kill a living thing ever again." I searched his eyes.

    "But what if someone is hurting you?" He asked tightening his grip.

    "No one is going to hurt me." I told him.

    "What if someone does?"

    I sighed in defeat. "Fine if I'm truly in danger than yes, but that's the only exception."


    "No, you need to promise. pinky promise." I stuck out my pinky finger.

    Billy smiled "I pinky promise." We intertwined fingers. He then launched backwards. I yelled in surprised followed by a fit of giggles. He now laid flat on his back with me on top of him. I stared into his hazel eyes, he stared back. I gently placed my lips onto his and tangled my fingers into his hair. He immediately kissed back, rubbing my sides as our lips danced with each other. I started grinding my hips against his causing small moans to interrupt our kiss. He paused to pull off my shirt and fiddle with the bra clasp before completely ripping it off. My breasts bounced as I rolled my hips. I tried to pull his shirt off but was only successful with his assistance. My hands slid down his chest and too his belt buckle. I removed his pants and boxers. Billy laid me on my back and delicately held my leg as he took off my jeans and underwear. He kissed the inside of my thigh and said "You ready?". I nodded in reply.


Sorry for the late update, school's been sucking the motivation out of me.

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