19- Can't Stop Thinking of you

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The house was bigger and lacked a cracked and crumbling driveway, unlike my aunt's.

Even the inside had no trace of dirt almost like a hospital. Not a home. My grandmother led me to my room. The hallway walls leading to the room were plain, no picture frames or art, It had a Absence of comfort. When we emerged in my new room, plain eggshell walls closed in on the room, empty open space, a small bed, and a dresser. Lastly a small window looking out into the woods.

Once she left me to the melancholic room I opened my bag to reveal my cat, Casper. "Hey buddy." I patted his head. He pounced out, his head bobbing as he took in the new environment. After he got a proper look around he hopped on the grey sheeted bed and laid on his back with his stomach in the air. I fell asleep to his purring.

When I awoken from the small amount of light coming from the window, I got dressed in a tight fitted long sleeve shirt and jeans. I emerged out of the room and into the kitchen, both of my grandparents were sitting at the table eating.

"Good morning (Y/n)." My grandfathers voice greeted me while Grandmothers eyes remained on the newspaper in her hand. I looked for a bowl and food set aside for me at the table, there was none. I slowly walked to the cabinet and found plain cereal inside. I quickly ate some then smuggled the rest to my room for Casper. I sat next to him while he ate. On the long car ride up here I remember asking them about school and being told I'll start my new school in a week. I sighed as boredom crept in. I brushed away strands of hair that slipped out behind me ear and dangled in front of my eyes. I guess I'll go for a walk.

I breathed in the ridged cold air and tighten my hold on my jacket sleeves. I began to walk. eventually getting bored of the similar looking houses sprinkled along the street, I started to walk behind one of the houses and into the woods. These woods were much denser than the woods in Woodsboro. I stumbled a little on the rough terrain and got mud on my pants. I kept walking and walking hoping this lonely feeling building up in my chest will subside. But it remained. I frowned at the realization of what was causing this. I miss him. But he hurt me, I can't go back to him. I frustratedly kicked a rock that rested against a tree then instantly regretted it as the pain began to reveal itself in my foot. I sucked my teeth. I want to go back to Woodsboro.

When I arrived back at my new home, the sun was setting. I headed towards my room Casper is probably hungry. I entered my room to retrieve the bowl he ate his breakfast in. My eyebrows frowned when I realized Casper's missing presence, it was strange not being greeted by him whenever I entered a room. A uneasy feeling grew in my stomach I checked under my bed and behind the dresser. He was no where.

"Looking for that cat?"

I whipped my hand around to see Grandmother standing in the open doorway with her arms crossed. 

"W-what?" I asked hoping I didn't hear her correctly. I purposefully kept him a secret knowing I wouldn't be allowed to keep him if anyone found out.

"That cat you snuck into my house." He face was emotionless it sent shivers down my spine. "I put it outside. You're by no means allowed to bring that thing in this house again."

My eyes widened I shoved pass her and ran to the back door. I scanned the now dark backyard, I didn't see him. I panicked what if something happened to him. My breathing quickened. I turned to run to the front door. I swung it open and quickly took a step out to begin to search for him until I felt something underneath my foot. I slowly lifted my foot up and stared down. A bone chilling screech left the confines of my throat.

A dark red liquid pooled around a lump of fur. Standing there wide eye hoping what I was thinking wasn't true, I turned over the lump with my foot. There Casper laid, fur matted in blood with a stiff figure and a wide open mouth and eyes. My voice quivered as I shouted for help. My Grandparents rushed to my side.

"Jesus Christ!" Grandmother gasped.

"Bring her inside." My grandfather told his wife. She guided me inside and set me down at the kitchen table and made me a cup of tea.

As I laid in bed that night I heard my grandparents in the next room over.

"What kind of animal did that?" Grandmother asked worry embedded in her voice.

"That was no animal, did you see the slit mark on its neck?" Grandfather said in a hush tone.

I never found sleep that night.

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