First Day

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Before this starts, I'd just like to say, I wrote this 3 years ago, its a reupload since I figured I might as well put it back up, im not going to the effort of editing it but I can tell you now, its badddd
So if you dont mind that then go for it read to your hearts content
Im kind of only reuploading because it got 100k reads in the year or so it was up and I think that's pretty cool
Without further ado, this is my 8th grade tododeku fanfiction...  

Todorokis' POV

I'm glad school is starting up again, it gives me a chance to get out of the house and away from my sad excuse of a father, it was currently 6am and I was about to head out of the house before anyone woke up, I slowly open the door but my luck is failing me and the door screeches louder that it ever has before, I hear loud stomps come from upstairs, my dad's awake. I start to panic and try to find somewhere to hide but its too late "SHOTO, DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE THIS HOUSE UNTIL I'M DONE WITH YOU!!" His voice booms through the house and likely the whole street, I'm done for.

Dekus' POV
"Your bag isn't filled with All Might figures is it" my mum nagged, we are standing at the front door and I was about to start walking to school but my mum wanted to say goodbye first, I'm going to be so late "I'm not a kid, mum I don't have All Might figures in my bag, now I have to go or I'll be late" I start to open the door but before I can walk out my mum wraps her arms around my "Have fun Izuku, you're all grown up now so please don't do anything irresponsible and get hurt and be home before 5" she is now sobbing into my back but she soon enough lets go and I turn to say goodbye and head to school.

Time skip~~~

I am now sprinting to school I quickly check the time, 7:50, the bell should go any minute now, my lungs start to give in but I see a glimpse of UA over the hill which encourages me to keep going, but in my race against the bell I forget I'm in a public area with people and stuff in it but am quickly reminded when I crash into something, or someone. I look up and see Todoroki! Endeavors son, he's always on the news, wait is he wearing UAs' uniform, that means, is he-- "Umm, you're mumbling, are you okay, do you need a doctor?" He was already standing again and was holding a hand out for me, my face quickly heats up, I didn't even realise I was talking out loud. "Oh, no I'm okay, but thank you" I take his hand and he pulls my up, turns out he is quite strong and accidentally pulled me right into him. "SORRY, I didn't expect you to be so light!" I'm not even sure if that was a complement or not, suddenly I remember we have to be at school and I grab Todos' hand and drag him to school behind me, wait Todo have I already made a nickname for him.

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