Let's Play a Game

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Dekus POV
"HEY EVERYONE, DEKU'S HERE!" Uraraka screeched as everyone in the room covered their ears, I'm assuming she did that every time someone came. "Hello" Kirishima smiled his toothy grin. "Hi" Todoroki waved. I sheepishly smile to everyone and wave giving my usual closed eye smile, slightly tilting my head, I don't know why I do that, I guess it's just habit.

Todorokis' POV (omg someone other than Deku, what!)
It was starting to get awkward waiting for Izuku and Bakugou, or as Izuku says 'Kacchan' I wish he called me a nickname, if I'm being completely honest, I'm kind of jealous of how close they seemed to have been, I'm trying  hard to be close with him it's the only reason I came to this sleepover thing. "HEY EVERYONE, DEKU'S HERE!" I jumped at the sudden noise, quickly covering my ears as she did this when Kirishima go here too, I didn't even notice her get up. "Hello" Kirishima was the first to speak up, I quickly said 'hi' after so they don't think I'm rude. Izuku tilted his head and smiled waving at us, 'cute' is all I thought.

Kacchans' POV
I was laying on my bed bored as hell, just looking at anything and everything that came up on my phone when I got a text.
Kirishima: Dude where are you?
Bakugou: At my house, why??
Kirishima: Did you forget already, the sleepover!
Bakugou: SHIT! I'll be there in 10 minutes

Back to Deku POV
We were all sitting silently on the carpet on Urarakas' floor, the room itself was very pink and I mean VERY, literally everything in the room was pink, Todoroki and Kirishima were on their phones and Uraraka and I were looking at each other blankly, all of the sudden Kirishima shouted "EVERYONE, BAKU WILL BE HERE IN 10 MINUTES!" Baku?? A nickname?? Kirishima seemed to have noticed as his face went red and he covered it with his hands. Uraraka laughed maniacally before saying in an evil tone "While we wait for Bakugou, let's play a game"

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