chapter 16

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Todorokis' POV
I stand at the door that had just been shut, I couldn't move, I was frozen in fear, happiness? I'm not even sure, all I know is that my heart is beating so fast I think it's going to explode. After about 5 minutes my legs allow themselves to move and I am able to start walking home, the walk was nice but I couldn't get one thing out of my mind...Izuku.

Time skip cause I'm lazy~~~

I reach my door and knock hoping anyone but my sad excuse of a dad answers, I hear someone sprint to the door, my sister Fuyumi (Did I spell that right?) She smiles and asks "How was the sleepover?" I recall everything that happens, including Izuku and I sleeping in the same bag, and the event that occurred less than 10 minutes ago "Shoto, your face is red, and it's not your scar coming alive and consuming your face, so what happened?" She's so weird "Well, we played truth or dare, then watched a scary movie, then went to bed" I tell half the story "What else?" She asks "That's it" I lie "I don't believe you, sleepovers are never that boring?" I might as well tell her "You won't tell anyone?" I ask "I promise" she responds, I drag walk with inside and take to my room and I explain everything that happened.

"REALLY, WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE?" She was talking about Izuku "He's short and has short curly green hair, it's really soft. He also has freckles on his cheeks and emerald green eyes, basically everything he wears is All Might themed but it suites him, when he wares his hero costume he kind of looks like a bunny" I could feel my face burning "That was adorable" is all my sister said "How is it adorable?" I ask "You're speaking the world of him, he must be pretty important to you" she smirks as my face goes even redder "I hate you" I say jokingly, she pokes he tongue out at me to which I jump at her and bring her down onto my bed and we both start laughing really loudly, I'm glad there is at least one person in my family I get along with.

After our laughing fits ended I hear our squeaky front door open, it can only mean one thing, dad's home, my sister and I look at each other in fear as we jump up from the bed and run to the training room, we start to pretend to spar with each other, with how much we were panicking it looked like we had already been training for hours, I hope it's believable enough to trick my unloving father. He walks up to the door and swings it open, I see a scowl on his face "Where have you been?" He asks me "I was studying with one of my classmates, we got paired up for a project" I coldly lie "Come here" He beckons me with his finger, I slowly slide over to the muscular man, he holds up his fist and punches me in the gut, I fall down to the ground in pain, Fuyumi quickly kneels down next to me and holds my back "Let go of him" he demands, Fuyumi looks at me with sympathy in her eyes "It's okay, I'll be alright" I tell her as I stand up, she unwilling let's go of me "Get out" My father commands, she slowly walks out as I try my best to conjure up a smile for her. "What do you want?" I ask "One of the students at your school put this photo online" He shows me the photo of me and Izuku sleeping together, I feel the colour drain from my face and tears prick up in my eyes knowing my dad is going to bash me up really bad because of this.

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