First Day Part 4

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The Title is getting ridiculous

Dekus' POV

'I have to convince Todo, again with the nickname' I mentally slap myself for the silly name 'I hope he says yes, I don't want to spend all day with 2 strangers and Kacchan' almost uncontrollably my legs start walking over to Todoroki I can't stop them, before I knew it I was standing right in front of Todoroki and he's just staring at me.
"Are you okay?" Todoroki questions
" y-yes I'm f-fine, um.. U-Uraraka wanted me to-to ask you some-something!" I almost yell at him, 'why am I stuttering so much, it's just Todo, AGAIN WITH THE NICKNAME!'
"Oh, what is it?" He says with his usual calm expression
"She wanted m-me to ask i-if you wanted to g-go to her house on the we-weekend for a-a sleepover, um Kirishima will be there......and Ka-Kacchan, and Uraraka of course!" I try to smile to hide how embarrassed I am
"Um ok i guess, but who is Kacchan??" Todoroki looks very puzzled.
"Oh, Kacchan, th-that's Bakugou, i-it's a nickname" I explain
"Oh" he replies
"O-okay um see y-you then" I nervously try to walk away
"Wait give me your number, wait that sounded weird, so you can send me the details, like the address and stuff" I notice a slight blush appear on his face
"Oh yeah I forgot about that, s-sorry" I hand a small bit to paper with my number on it
"Thanks" he walks away.

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