chapter 17

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Todoroki's POV
I slowly limp to my room after my father had had enough of me and crawled into bed about to go to sleep, my eyelids struggling to stay open until I hear 'Bzzzz' come from my pocket. I reach my hand inside and find my phone, I thought Uraraka took it, I click the button on the side of my phone and I feel my eyes sting at the bright sight, I have a message from....Izuku.
Midoriya: Hello!
Todoroki: Hi
Midoriya: Todoroki, I have something to say
Todoroki: Yes, what is it?
Midoriya: So you know how we played truth or dare at Uraraka's house and I said I liked you, I wasn't lying and I know you said you liked me back but I just want to know, was that fake?
Todoroki: Of course not, why would I lie about that
Midoriya: I don't know, to make me feel better?
Todoroki: Well I did it because I do like you
Midoriya: I have something to ask
Todoroki: What is it?
Midoriya: Will you go out with me?

This doesn't seem like something Izuku would do, I think to myself, He seems too shy to do something this bold, I don't really want to answer, I mean of course I like him and all but I have a weird feeling about this.

Todoroki: I'm sorry, talk tomorrow, I have to go to bed

I turn my phone and feel my eyelids become heavy, I slowly drift to sleep.

Midoriya's POV
After I finally let myself out of my room I walked to the kitchen to face my embarrassment, my mum was standing next to a stove cooking dinner "Izuku, you came out of your room, and only after 4 hours" I could hear the sarcasm in her voice "Sorry, I was embarrassed" I truthfully tell "I'll forgive you on one condition, tell me everything going on between you and that 'friend' of yours" she make quotation marks over the word 'friend', my face goes red. I look down at the ground knowing she wouldn't let this go "Fine, if I get extra dessert" I bargain "Deal" she turns the stove off and sits on the couch patting the spot next to me "Shouldn't you cook dinner instead of listening to me" I point at the stove which is just sitting on top the oven "No, you're way more important" she smiles "More like my drama is more important" I retort as I sit next to my mum, I explain everything.

"Awwwwwwww, that's so cuuuuuuuute" she smiles "I think you and him are great together" she continues "You're saying that like we are together" I complain "Well you did kiss him, I think if you didn't slam the door right after that maybe you would" she teases "I guess you'll just have to see how things go tomorrow" she continues "What's happening tomorrow?" I question "Uhhhh.....School?" She seems more confused than anything "Oh, I forgot about that" I laugh at my terrible memory "Well I'll get back to cooking, it'll be done in about half an hour"

Time skip to Monday~~~

Todoroki's POV
'BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!' I groan as I turn to face my alarm clock, I turn it off and roll out of bed, I quickly get ready for school and leave. I walk down part of my street as I think about the messages I hot from Izuku yesterday, my curiousity got the better of me and walk to his house, I stand at his door and knock a few times "COMING!" I hear the muffled yell of a feminine voice, probably Izukus' mum, the short green haired lady answers the door with a smile on her face, when she looks at me she starts giggling, I was slightly confused but I decided to ignore it "Hello, is Izuku here?" I ask "Yep, he's almost ready, do you want to walk with him?" She replied "Yes please" I answer, she walks inside as I follow "He's just in his room, you can go in if you want" she offers "Thank you" I walk towards the room and knock "DON'T COME IN, I'M CHANGING!" The small boy seems both embarrassed and shocked at the same time, I wait a minute before the door swings open and Izuku walks out, at the sight of me his face goes bright red "Sho-Sh-Shoto?"

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