A Chapter

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Midoriya's POV
"Sho-Sh-Shoto" I manage to stutter out of my mouth "Why are you here, not that it's a bad thing" I continue, my face was defiantly bright red "Well two reasons, I wanted to ask you something and I thought we could walk to school together" He smiles, it was the purest thing I have ever seen, I was contagious as I smiled with him "Okay" I continue smiling, we walk towards the front door and set off on our trip to school.

"So what did you want to ask me?" I question "So, uhh last night, I got a few texts from you, and I was wondering if it was you or someone else since the seemed a bit, how do I say this....out of character?" He seems confused "What, I didn't send you anything! What were the messages and how did you get your phone ba-- I KNEW I SAW URARAKA SLIP SOMETHING IN YOUR POCKET!" I interrupt myself when I remember leaving the sleepover and seeing her slip it in when she was patting Shotos' head. Shoto gives me his phone, a see the messages that 'I' sent, it was super embarrassing "I had a suspicion it wasn't you so I didn't say anything to them" Shoto says "It was probably Uraraka that did this" I say with a blank expression on my face.

"Hey, that's where we first met Shoto points to the place we first bumped into each other don't the first day of school "So much has happened since then, and it's only been a week" I realise "Like what?" Shoto asks "Well for 1, I became friends with you, then I want to the sleepover and realized my feeli--" I stop myself from talking when I realized what I was about to say, covering my mouth with my hands "Feelings for what?" Shoto asks, oh no ".......You" I whisper knowing I wouldn't have been able to lie my way out of it. I look over to Shoto, his face is slightly red and he is looking at me, he smiles and grabs my hand as he starts to walk, I smile too as we continue walking to school. "I guess I realized some things too" he whispers.

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