Walking Home

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Dekus' POV
"Nope, I want to see how this plays out" Uraraka smirked, "GIVE IT BACK!" I yell "Why do you have anything on it we can't see, like fanficions" Uraraka teases "NO!!" I feel my face heat up "Just don't go through my phone okay" I continue "Fine I won't" an evil smirk appears on Urarakas' face.

Time Skip~~~~

It was now time to walk home "When can I get my phone back" I ask "On Monday" Uraraka replied "NO, give it back, what if I'm in an emergency and I need my phone to contact someone" I argue knowing I will probably not get it back anyway "You should give his phone back, and mine too" Todoroki adds "On one condition" Uraraka bargains "What is it?" I ask "Kiss" is all she says "Kiss who?" I question "Todoroki" she replies "N-NO!" I yell as I feel my face heat up "Why do you want us to kiss?" Todoroki questions "Shhhhhip" is all she says in a concerning tone "What's that?" He asks, how dense is he? "Don't you worry about is?" She pats his head he responds by making the most uncomfortable looking face ever, it was funny, I notice Uraraka slip something into Todorokis' pocket but I couldn't see what."Anyway you two have to go now, see you on Monday" Uraraka pushes us outside and locks the door behind us "Well then, that happened" I state "Do you want to uhh walk home together?" Todoroki asks "Sure" I respond doing my tilty-head-smile thing, I need to stop doing do that.

We start walking silently down the the street, I'm not sure why but I have the biggest urge to hold his hand, before I have time to think about actually doing it Todoroki beats me to it, his soft hand wrapping around mine, I look at him and a blush is evident on his face, he looks back at me and as if it's contagious I feel my face turn red, he giggles like a school girl "What?" I question, he points at my face "You look like a strawberry" his sweet smile made me forget about everything as we giggled together "So whereabouts do you live?" He says "Just over the hill" I point in front us  "I live over there too" he looks surprised as he spoke "Then we'll get to walk most of the way together" I smile, genuinely happy about it.

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