Truth or Dare

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Dekus POV
I wonder what we will play, I hope it's not one of Urarakas' weird games that she tried to make us play all week, like spin the bottle. "So what are we playing?" Kirishima questioned, almost instantly Uraraka jumped up from the floor and reached her arm up to the sky, "Glad you asked, we're playing TRUTH OR DARE!!!" wow, dramatic.

We all sat down in a circle, it took us a while to find a bottle and Kacchan ended up arriving but Uraraka was still making us play. "I'll go first!" Uraraka announced
"Kirishima, truth or dare?" She continued. "Ummm, truth!"
"Hmmm, do you like anyone?"
Kirishima went bright red, almost the same colour as his hair "........yes" he whispered, suddenly Uraraka screeched a very high pitched tone, leaving us all feel like our ears were bleeding "WHO!!" She yelled
"Not telling" Kirishima returned to his usual self but his face was still dusted with a light shade of pink.

Kirishima turned to Todoroki and asked "Truth or dare?"
Todo replied with a simple "Dare" with a monotone face, Kirishima thought for a bit before saying " I dare you to......put on cat cosplay and act like a cat for 10 minutes" giggles erupt from everyone except Todo, even Kacchan seemed to be enjoying himself. After about a minute Todo was dressed up like a cat, and I have to admit, it was adorable, he was meowing and being really cute, I had to hold back 'awwing' at him, I should not find my friend this cute, or anyone, but it's so cute how can I not?

While still in his cat outfit, Todo looked me dead in the eyes and said " Truth or dare" in all honesty I was too scared of what dare Todo could conjure up so I chose truth "Do you have a crush on anyone in this room?" I could feel my face get hot, really hot, Todoroki looked confused probably because of my face, I'm not sure how I should answer "Is it a crush if all I want to do is be with them and cuddle them and give them all the attention in the world and I want them to talk to me and only me, is it a crush if I get slightly jealous when they talk to someone more than me and I constantly think they are cute" I ended up mumbling that really quickly, everyone was shocked, Uraraka was the first to speak up "Yes, that is what a crush is" "DAMN IT" Todoroki suddenly says, frustration evident in is voice "That means I have one too" he continues slightly more calm Uraraka ignores him and turns back to me "Who is it?" She asks.

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