The Photos

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Dekus' POV
'Click' 'Snap' I slowly open my eyes to find blinding lights burning my eyes which I quickly shut, did I forget to shut the blinds, oh wait, I'm at Urarakas' "Shhh he'll wake up" A girl whispers. Suddenly all the memories flood back and I remember the situation I am in, I open my eyes ignoring the light and looking past it to see Uraraka and Kirishima holding their phone giggling and taking pictures. "Why are you taking pictures of me and Todo?" I ask "YOU'RE AWAKE!! Umm well look at the position you're in, how could we not?" Uraraka replies, I look at the still sleeping Todoroki we both have our arms wrapped around each other, my face very quickly heats up. "DELETE THEM!" I yell "Shhhh, you'll wake up Todoroki!" Uraraka whisper-shouts, I quickly check I don't wake up Todoroki, he stirs a bit but thankfully didn't wake up. "So where is Kacchan?" I ask "He's sulking somewhere" Uraraka answers "Why" I ask "NOREASON!" Kirishima says so quickly I have a hard time understanding, Uraraka pulls out her phone and shows me, to Kirishimas' unwillingness, I see a picture on Kirishima laying on top of his sleeping bag with Kacchan next to him clinging on to him like a pillow, or a teddy bear. "I HATE YOU URARAKA, THAT'S SO RUDE!" Kirishima shouts obviously joking, I feel something start to move under me, Todo is waking up "Nice one Kiri" Uraraka says "ONLY I CAN CALL HIM KIRI, FLOATY GIRL!" Kacchan is standing in the doorway, Todo stirs even more I look at him at his eyes flutter open, after about 3 seconds of looking around, probably figuring out what is going on, his eyes land on me and face goes bright red.

Time Skip~~~

After awkward explaining was over we all decides to have breakfast before going home, we all got dressed and packed our bags Kacchan was the first to leave, the Kirishima not too long after, leaving Todoroki, Uraraka and I left. "So when do you two have to go?" Uraraka asks Todo and I "I need to be home by 11" I replied "Anytime, I'll just leave when Midoriya does" Todoroki adds, it's currently 10:30 "Ooops" Uraraka says, sarcasm in her voice, suddenly I get a message on the class group chat on my phone, it's a picture of me and Todoroki from this morning, my face turns red instantly, Todorokis' face does the same as he looks at his phone, by now a few people had responded.

Ashido: MY SHIPPPPP!!!
Karminari: HA, GAYYYY!
Iida: Oh I had no idea you swung that way, I am proud of you both
Tsuyu: Uraraka where did you find that amazing fanart, I mean drawing, and where can I get it

This is so embarrassing, I have to explain this to everyone, as I go to type Uraraka takes my phone, Then Todorokis', "Nope, I want to see how this plays out" Uraraka smirks.

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