The Dare

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Dekus' POV
"Deku, truth or dare?" Kacchan looks me dead in the eyes, it was scary, I don't want the embarrassment of truth again soooooo "Dare" I see a smirk appear on Kacchans' face, this was a mistake. "I dare you to sleep in the same sleeping bag as Half n' Half" I feel my face heat up as I look over to Todo as he looks at me, a small dusting of pink on his face, Uraraka is rolling on the floor yelling "BEST SLEEPOVER EVER!!!!" I am really embarrassed "Do I have to?" I ask Kacchan " Yes, its a dare, stupid" he replies, "I-is that o-okay with you To-Todoroki" he replies by nodding his head, Uraraka starts screaming again.

Time skip~~~~

The game had ended and we had eaten dinner, now was the time I was dreading, "Let's watch a movie" Kirishima suggests, my savoir, "Okay what movie?" Kacchan asks "A HORROR MOVIE!" Uraraka shouts, noooooo not a horror movie, I'm screwed. We all sat down to watch a movie about a haunted doll named Annie-belle that kills people. We were about halfway through the movie and I was ready to start crying, the movie is so scary, a mother was in a basement because the elevator broke, she was walking around the dark hallway, I could see it coming, "AHH!!!" I'm not exactly sure what happened but I was clinging on to someone, crying. It took me a minute to regain my composure but when I did I looked up to see whose arm lost all blood from my tight grip, and of course I see the one and only, Todoroki, I have the worst luck. "Do you want to sit with me?" He offers, I nod, he pulls me into his lap, I WANTED TO SIT NEXT TO HIM NOT ON HIM! I mean I don't mind too much, I can hear the sarcasm in my own head.

After an hour of more jumpscares and clinging on to Todo for dear life the movie ended, thank All Might. But now we were going to bed, I'm not sure what I'm more scared of horror movies or sleeping in the same sleeping bag as Todo. We all walk into Urarakas' room, Uraraka lays on her bed, Kirishima lays out his red sleeping bag, Kacchan does the same with his explosion patterned bag, I look at Todoroki "Do you want to sleep in my bag or yours?" He asks "Yours" I respond.

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