Midoriyas' House

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Dekus' POV
We walked hand in hand up the hill, I could see my house from here, I was sad we were this close already, time had seemed to fly by so quickly with Todoroki "Midoriya, you're mumbling" Todoroki snapped me out of my thoughts "Oh sorry" I look around to see we are about to pass my house "Oh, we're here" I point to my small house "Oh okay, well see you tomorrow" Todorokis' voice seems kind of sad "Wait, you should meet my mum" I cheerfully smile "sure" he replies.

Todorokis' POV
We walk up to Midoriyas' house and he knocks on the door, seconds later a short green haired lady answers the door "Izuku, you're home" She smiles before looking at me "Um not to be rude but who are you" the short lady sounds confused "I'm Shoto Todoroki, Midoriyas' friend, I think" I try to ease her confusion "I already told you, I am your friend" Midoriya repeats "Oh, Izuku talked about you all week, saying how cool and strong you are" Midoriya and I both blush "So why don't you come in for lunch?" Midoriyas' mum offers, I really shouldn't but it will be wroth the beating "Sure".

" So what would you like to eat" Midoriyas' mum asks "Anything is fine, it'll be better than anything I get at home" I mumble the last part "Well, what's your favorite food?" She asks "Cold Soba" I reply "Cool" Midoriya chimes in "Why don't you two go play while I make lunch?", " OK" Midoriya complies, he turns to me "My room is this way" he grabs my arms and runs to a door with the name 'Izuku' on it, he opens the door, it's filled with All Might figures, I look back it Midoriya and all the colour has drained from his face "I-I uhhh I f-forgot a-a-about that" he mumbles probably looking for an excuse "It's alright, they're just figures" I try to comfort him "Uhh just ignore everything you see in my room" he drags me inside, we walk over to his bed and sit down. We talk for a while about anything and everything, it had been about 20 minutes before we heard "Lunch is ready" come from the kitchen, Midoriya looked at me with excitement in his eyes, he stood up grabbed my arm, again, and dragged my to the kitchen.

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