Chapter 22

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3rd POV
After breakfast Izuku and Shoto finish getting ready for school and they start walking off to school "Um, Shoto" Izuku stops walking "Yes, what is it?" Shoto replies "Well yesterday Uraraka asked if we would tell people that we are d-dating, are we?" Izuku asks shyly "Well yeah I guess, can't have anyone trying to take you from me" Shoto laughs with Izuku as they continue walking.

At school~~~~

As Shoto and Izuku walked in class the students of 1-A stared at the two lovebirds Mina was the first to speak up "So are you two dating or something?" Laughs erupt from the class. Shoto and Izuku look at each other making eye contact and nod at each other "Yes, we are" they say together "And if you even think about trying to take him from me you won't live to see him reject you" Shoto adds as he points at the blushing broccoli, everyone smiles and laughs at the threat. Everyone seems happy and excited, everyone except Momo, she is giving the poor green fluffball a death stare Shoto notices this and returns the glare, Momo instantly looks away.

Time Skip to after School~~~~

Shotos' POV
"Um, Shoto may I speak to you...privately" Momo blushes "It's Todoroki and I'll allow it" I walk with her to a dark hallway "What do you want?" I ask clearly annoyed "Do you really like Midoriya? Or do you just pity him?" She spat "Of course I like Izuku, why would I even pity him anyway?" I ask "Because he's a nerd with no friends" I was getting furious "Because you have so many more friends than Izuku does" I say sarcastically "I need to leave so get to the point, why am I here?" I continue "Shoto, I like you, a lot and I want you to date me" she said in all seriousness.

"As if" I say and walk away, I hear footsteps behind me as Yaoyurozu caught up to me, she grabbed my arm and turned me around I struggled and tried to get away but my effort was in vein, it was pointless "I like you" She repeats and her face comes close to mine and her eyes start to close "Get away from me" I struggle again. Suddenly I hear someone sprint up to the left of me, I see none other than Uraraka she taps Yaoyurozu on the shoulder, she starts to float up "AHHH GET ME DOWN YOU B****!!" She yells.

Uraraka takes my arm and runs towards the end of the hallway and turns the corner reveling Izuku watching and Uraraka takes him as well and continues to the school gate outside, we hear more threats come from the black-haired brat until we are too far away too hear.

"I'll go now and secretly watch you from afar" Uraraka walks off behind a bush "Soooooooo....." Izuku starts "I promise it's not what it looked like, just in case you thought anything" I assure Izuku, he looks at me like I just asked what 2+2 was "I didn't think that at all silly, this is just a little awkward considering the circumsta--" I ignore what he says and kiss him, he kisses back. A very high pitched "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Comes from Uraraka as she probably takes a video "SO CUUUUUUUUUTE!" She continues, Izuku and I laugh as we walk home together, and leave Yaoyurozu floating for the rest of eternity.

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