First Day Part 3

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Dekus' POV

"Now I want you all to get into pairs"  The caterpillar of a teacher announced, I quickly turn to Uraraka and Iida but unsurprisingly they paired up with each other, i look over to Kacchan and he is standing shoulder to shoulder with the spikey haired boy, I look around and it seems everyone already has a partner "Um, Mr.Aizawa I don't have a partner" I say looking down at the ground, I hear a few giggles and snickers come from around the class "I don't either" someone near the back of the class adds "OK then, you and Todoroki will be a pair, I want all of you to spar with your partner, NO QUIRKS, I don't feel like getting sued just yet."

Time Skip~~~

(A/N Most of the story will be Izukus' POV if you haven't already noticed)
Kacchan and whose name I now know to be Kirishima about to start sparring but Uraraka ran over to them and started talking, about 5 minutes later she turned away from them and started giggling, then started running over to me, oh no. "Soooooo, Deku, do you want to come over to my place this weekend for a sleepover, Bakugou, Kirishima and hopefully Todoroki will be there?" She was clearly excited, "Deku?" I tilted my head to show her I was confused, "Well that is what Bakugou calls you isn't it"  oh great everyone is going to think that is my actual name "he says that to make fun of me" Uraraka looked shocked "I thought two were friends, but anyway I think it suits you, and are you coming to the sleepover or what?" She really can talk a lot. I decided, why not "sure, I'll go, but what did you mean, hopefully Todoroki?"
"Well, I asked you before Todoroki so that maybe you could try to get him to come" she laughed nervously as she emphasized the would 'you', of course she would do this "do I have a choice?" I already knew the answer but might as well ask "nope" after that she just walked away.

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