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Dekus' POV
"Do you want to sleep in my bag or yours?" Todoroki asks "Yours" I reply. Todoroki crouches next to his bag, opens it and pulls out a sleeping bag, he zips the bag up, stands up and turns to me "Where do you want to sleep?" He asks "I really don't care" he looks around the room and silently lays out the bag in a corner away from everyone else, no surprise there. He looks at me "So uhh how are we going to do this, there isn't even enough room to sleep side by side?" He states "I guess you'll have to sleep on top of each other" Uraraka snickers from her bed, looking at the size of this thing we might actually have to. "Who's top?" Todoroki asks, Uraraka laughs, she's probably thinking something dirty "Ummm since I'm s-smaller it would p-probably be easier if I slept on you" I feel my face warm up at the thought "Okay" Todoroki slips into the sleeping bag, now it's my turn, this is going to be so awkward.

I inspect the plain black sleeping bag hoping I can find a zipper or something to make this easier, nope, nothing. I sit down next to the bag and wiggle my legs into the bag until my bottom half us covered, I flip over and I am now facing Todoroki doing a sort of push up position, I slide in a little further until our faces meet. We stare straight into each others eyes as our blushes intensify, all of the sudden, someone pushes my back down and my face falls right on Todorokis', to be more specific my lips fall on his, we kissed. It felt nice for the two seconds it lasted until we realised what happened I quickly pull myself off Todo and look to the side of me and see Uraraka running back to her bed, I look back at Todoroki, his entire face was as red as a tomato, his eyes were wide and his jaw had dropped. "Okay goodnight everyone" Uraraka says, and the lights go out, I'm not even properly in the bag yet. I slide all the way in and slowly lower myself onto Todoroki, this is so awkward.

After an hour or so the room started getting cold, like really cold, I started shivering a little bit "Are you cold?" Todorokis' voice asks "Just a little bit" I sheepishly answer, right as I say that half of me starts to warm up, I quickly realise that Todoroki was using his quirk "Y-You don't have to d-do that!" I quickly say "It's fine" he says, before I can argue I feel my eyelids become droopy and before I know it I was asleep.

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