Chapter 10

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The sun was already to set and Aari was worried that she didn’t make to the castle before she could transform again into a dragon. While she running quickly to the castle, she didn’t know that Lionel was following her from behind.

The sun was about to set in a few second and when she make it to the castle, she had transform into a huge monstrous. Her stone pendant was still remain on her chest and as usual, it glowed bright at night. What Lionel had just seen just now was so mesmerizing but at the same time it make him shock too. Then he realize something. The dragon look exactly the same from yesterday. Now it make sense to him. It’s the same dragon that attack him before.

After Aari had changed, she saw Lionel standing at her and he was just standing stiff there.
Before she could act, Lionel speak first.

“You could change and you the same dragon that attack me yesterday, am I right? You’re Aari isn’t it?” Aari didn’t say anything or give a nod or shake her head. She just remain quiet and
Lionel just continue speaking to her.

“I know it was you because I just saw you change into a dragon a minute ago. If you had help me with your pendant then why did you attack me from the beginning?” Her bright purple eyes staring down, guilty and then she spoke to him.

“Get out from here!” she growl at him and her voice was strong enough to make people scare of her.

“And why is that? I know already that you are a dragon. Why did you save me? Why did you risked your power to save me and know you want to kill me back. ” Lionel screamed at her while at the same time avoided from her tail.

“I did that because I was scared.” She said in a growling voice and finally admitted to him.

“Why are you scared?” he said in a low voice.

"Because you would tell everyone about me to the people and they will hurting me because I’m a diamond dragon. People were greedy and selfish. Just like me.” She said in a whispered at the last sentence because she felt very ashamed of herself.

And now when she said about it, she imaged herself before she became a dragon. How greedy she is and so awful at that time? She wish she can turn back time to repay what she had done to her people.

Lionel didn’t say anything because of what she was all true in this world because he had experience it before. People were acting cruel when they get power, jewel, diamond and
everything that valuable.

“Wait a minute! How can you understand me?”

“What do you mean I understand you?” Said Lionel confused.

“I must talking to you in your mind but how?” Then she try to said not in his mind but from her mouth but all came just groaned and a roar.

“But if you could only talk into my mind then how can that be? You never do this to other people

“Of course not. You the first person that I ever talked to you.” Lionel just smirked at her and she gave him a death glare and kind of annoy too.

“Can I asked you something Aari?” Aari didn’t say anything but Lionel just keep talking instead.

“How can you be a dragon at the first place?” His question has been disrupted for a minute and then she take deep breath and answer his question with a heavy heart.

“There is an old witch curse me because to me, looks are everything for me and she so old and ugly and I make her mad. That is why she cursing me.”

“And how do we want to break this curse of yours?” He asked again.

“I don’t know how because the witch didn’t say anything after she cursed me. Wait a minute. Did you just say ‘we’?”

“Of course I’m. I want to help you to break your curse.”

“Why do you want to help? I was the one who hurt you and get you into trouble.”

“Let just say that I didn’t turn your favour very properly. The first one, when I try to save your life with the thugs, it doesn’t for you. So I want to help with this curse.”

“It could be dangerous for you.” She said but feeling a bit annoy at his behavior.

“Nope. Dangerous is my second name and beside I like adventure.” Aari just snort at his statement despite there was a smoke coming out from her nostril.

“What? Do you think that I can’t make it through dangerous?”

“I didn’t say that. It’s just are you really sure that you wanted to help me?”

“Of course I’am. Beside we can help each other to find this witch. I can cover your back and you
covers mine."

“No one ever asked me to be their friend before.” She said in a sad voice. Lionel felt very sorry
for her and her situation of being curse.

“How about we make a promise to be friend and help each other too? What do you say?” He said and offer his hand shake as a deal between them. Aaricia think for a moment to make a decision and she also had decided that she want something from him.

“I promise to be friend if you promise not to tell about me and my curse to everyone else.”

“I’m promise.” She offer her big paw to shake his hand and Lionel hold her sparkled and white like a diamond claws as a shake hand. At that moment, friendship was exist among between them.

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