Chapter 39

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“LET ME OUT!” Lionel yelled to the guards while grabbed the prison bar. He been prison like a rat deep in the castle. Suddenly he heard a growl and a roar up there. It sounds like a dragon.

That must be Aari. She’s losing control and destroy the castle while the guards are running away from the dungeon that are about to collapse like an earthquake.

“HEY! GET ME OUT OF HERE!” he yelled again but none the other guards heard him.

Suddenly one of the guard that holding the key is running in front of his prison and Lionel take this opportunity to get out from the prison. He grabbed the guards collar and his other hand punch the guard on his face and fainted on the ground.

He tried to reach the keys on his belt but it is too far for him to reach it. He then pressed his face on the prison bar and stretch his hand
longer and finally grabbed the key in his hand.

He unlocked the prison and run to get away from the dungeon that are about to collapsed. He tried to reach to Aari but when he was at the fight scene, it was all catastrophe. The castle had been burned and the crystal and diamond are all collapsed and perish. The guards are all trying to fight the dragon and the maid and all the other workers in castle are running away.

The bell of warning the danger and the villagers running away as well. In all the chaos that happen in here,
finally he saw Kaden still fighting with the dragon with his sword.
Aari on the other hand was breathing fire in all around the castle and Lionel had no choice but to go near to the angered dragon. He climbed upstairs and try to reached to the crystal chandelier while the guards and Kaden battle with dragon.

But guards are becoming less and less because the dragon swoop them on the wall with her tail and breath fire at them until Kaden was left
there, still fighting with his sword.
Lionel jumped on the swinging chandelier and he grabbed it tightly in his fist and Kaden saw what was Lionel doing, without thinking of his consequences he climbed upstairs.

The dragon where he was heading and she turn her head around to facing with Kaden and breath fire at him. Lionel took this opportunity and jumped on her neck when she turned her head around. He tried to grabbed her necklace but it was hard because she tried to turn her head to reach to
Lionel and she breath her to fire to him didn’t reach to him. She roared much more in angered and Lionel almost got to reached his hand to her necklace.

Kaden was in raged and he called his soldier with a metal armor and weapons. The soldier threw the spears and it hit to the dragon and
one of it had jabbed through her scale and a drop of blood tear down out from her scales and she roared out loud of a very painfully stabbed. While she roared in pain, she started to losing more control and the castle had been burned by a fiercely hot flame.

The castle is about to collapsed and the atmosphere in the castle is becoming very hot like a hell. There is no oxygen for them to breath because there are too much of smoke
filled the air. Kaden and his soldier can’t breaths instead they tried to escaped from the
collapsing castle but for Kaden, he bumped by a fallen chandelier and burst into a pieces like a
fragile glass.

Lionel quickly stretch his arm and grabbed the pendant on her neck and fall on the ground. He still grabbed the pendant tightly in his fist and he quickly smashed the stone with his sword. The stone had been burst into pieces and the dragon roar more loudly of pain and fall down on the
ground. Lionel came near to her eyes. Her big and violet eyes were stared at him deep with compassion and care of love.

“I’m so sorry and thank you for everything. You the only one who always be with me. I love
you.” Her voice sound so tired and full with guilty. With that last words that came from her mind, her beautiful eyes close slowly and she gone.

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