Chapter 20

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At first, Aari was accompanied with the million or maybe a billion stars shine like a diamond when she fly up highness in the sky but eventually, the cloud had cover the sparkled sky and it became even more darker. Suddenly it pouring rain and Aari had to fight with coldness and gust
of wind.

The rain become more heavier and so as the wind, she can’t fly to against the wind, so she decide to land whatever they were now, it still dark when she land and she found some undercover for them to take a rest.
Aari make a fire for Lionel and Robin and she also protect them from the rain with her large wing. She gave them a warm and a safe place to take a rest for a while.

“How is he? Is he going to be okay?” said Aari into Lionel’s mind.

“He would be okay for a while. I had just bandages his wound. I’m sure that he is going okay and we let him rest.” Said Lionel, already finished bandaging Robin’s wound and make sure he’s in warm enough to sleep. Then he sit near to the fire and lying on Aari’s warm body.

“How is it feel like to be a dragon?” He whispered to her while looking at the dark sky with a rain. Her bright eyes look down at him.

“I don’t know. I always thought about my look. My ugly face makes people afraid of me and
angered too. I never thought about how I feel to be a dragon.”

“Well to you, you feel like that but to me, it must be good to fly free in the sky and be powerful dragon ever. Don’t you feel like that?”

“I think I’am. For the first time in my life, I actually feel free when I was flying in the sky. I always worried about the people and my cursed until I forgot how it would feel like.”

“You know, you should enjoy yourself, for being a dragon. Not all people can experience that. If I would you, I would fly all around the world and experience the new adventure.”

“You do remember that I can only be a dragon at night?” she said with a smirk although in a dragon smirk way.

“Oh yeah! I forgot that.” Lionel just smile with a dump face while scratching his head but to Aari, he’s look cute by his own way.

“How about tomorrow night, I will take you to fly. We can fly whatever you like to go.”

“That would be very splendid. I love that.” Lionel say with a big yawn and after that, he went asleep beside her. Aari curled her tail and hug them all protectively and went to sleep too.

“Good night Lionel.”

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